iNO Delivery
Use in Non-ECMO Centers and Transport Have system in place to continue iNO during transport even if no apparent response occurs1,2 Use HFOV + iNO with caution, if at all, in non-ECMO centers2 1. Kinsella JP et al. J Pediatr. 2000;136:717-726. 2. Kinsella JP et al. Pediatrics. 2002;109:158-161.
Nitric Oxide Delivery System Characteristics iNO must be delivered through a system with these characteristics Operator-determined concentrations of NO Constant concentration throughout respiratory cycle Minimal generation of NO2 Precise monitoring of iNO, NO2, and O2 along with alarms Backup battery supply Reserve NO delivery system INOmax® [package insert]. Clinton, NJ: INO Therapeutics, Inc; 1999. Revised April 2004.
INOvent® Delivery System Closed-loop system that can be used with most conventional mechanical ventilators1 Safely delivers NO when used with HFOV2 Provides a constant, stable, and accurate concentration of NO1,2 Delivery of NO dose does not fluctuate with ventilatory pattern1 Formation of NO2 is minimal1 Kirmse M et al. Chest. 1998;113:1650-1657. Fujino Y et al. Respir Care. 2000;45:1097-1104.
INOvent® Delivery System
Therapeutic Decisions FDA-approved therapies INOmax® (nitric oxide) for HRF in neonates Surfactant for RDS Tolazoline (no longer available)
Therapeutic Decisions Insufficiently tested therapies Paralysis Alkalosis Bicarbonate infusion Hyperventilation Endothelin antagonist and sodium nitroprusside Surfactant for MAS, pneumonia, PPHN, or CDH