Jeopardy How do you know if I’m developed? Please help me become an MDC! Words to Develop by From farms to factories 31 school days until the AP Exam Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from H1 What are the assets of the Northeastern US or Northern Europe? (type of labor, etc)
$100 Answer from H1 They need high skilled labor or need to be close to their market
$200 Question from H1 With Bonus Question! Aluminum factories must locate near a cheap source of ________.
$200 Answer from H1 Energy Bonus $100: What river is the Aluminum factory in Goose Creak, SC on?
$300 Question from H1 What is the most labor intensive industry>
$300 Answer from H1 Textiles
$400 Question from H1 Most significant asset of the Western Great Lakes region
$400 Answer from H1 Transportation hub
DAILY DOUBLE! $500 Question from H1 Identify the following statements with the SSM; ITA; or FT Results in uneven resource development Should utilize the demanded quality manufactured goods, agricultural goods, and mineral resources of an area Benefits cooperatives not corporations Stunted by large bureaucracy Affected by Market Stagnation
$500 Answer from H1 ITA FT SSM
$100 Question from H2 Below what line of latitude are most LDCs located?
$100 Answer from H2 30*N
$200 Question from H2 What are the demographic indicators of development:
$200 Answer from H2 Life Expectancy, Crude Birth Rate, NIR, IMR (NOT Crude Death Rate): 30 seconds write down why not CDR for $200 bonus
$300 Question from H2 Define Neocolonialism
$300 Answer from H2 MDCs continue to control the economic fate of LDCs by funding their development ; keeping wages low and development limited.
$400 Question from H2 Why is Silicon Valley, CA attractive for the tech industry today?
$400 Answer from H2 Location to markets Technology Agglomeration Skilled labor available
$500 Question from H2 Explain the purpose and effects of NAFTA (write out what it stands for)
$500 Answer from H2 North American Free Trade agreement Dismantled limitations to trade between United States, Canada, and Mexico: Rise of Maquiladoras Increased trade
$100 Question from H3 SSM; ITM; or Fair Trade begins development with an elite group initiating innovation?
$100 Answer from H3 International Trade Model (Rostow)
$200 Question from H3 How do Tariffs, Quotas, and Licenses on imports affect international investment
$200 Answer from H3 Creates barriers to trade and investment
$300 Question from H3 List 3 reasons why parts of Sub-Saharan Africa are struggling to develop.
$300 Answer from H3 Lack of infrastructure Overworked agricultural land Poor leadership Colonial legacy
DAILY DOUBLE! $400 Question from H3 Guess my stage is Rostow’s Model: (By name) Half Credit for number Building roads and power plants, exports bananas and coffee Imports industrial products and has lots of durable goods Exports textiles, steel, electronics, plastics and coffee
$400 Answer from H3 Stage 2: Transitional Stage 5: High Mass Consumption Stage 4: Drive to Maturity
$500 Question from H3 Explain 3 affects of Communism on Eastern Europe.
$500 Answer from H3 Investment in heavy industries such as iron and steel Favorable balances between population and resources Governments that made the key decisions concerning the national economy Most social and demographic indicators became comparable to Western Europe
$100 Question from H4 What do Right to Work Laws limit?
$100 Answer from H4 The power of unions
$200 Question from H4 Synonym for Fordism
$200 Answer from H4 Assembly line, mass production
$300 Question from H4 What industrial region has the longest history with the secondary sector? What are the major industrial cities within this region?
$300 Answer from H4 United Kingdom: Glasgow and Manchester
$400 Question from H4 Which industrial region would have created problems between Czech Republic and Slovakia when they were going through the process of balkanization?
$400 Answer from H4 Silesia
$500 Question from H4 Define agglomeration a List 2 benefits of this method
$500 Answer from H4 The clustering of like businesses together: Increased Consumers Limit Transportation Costs Attracts High Skilled Labor
$100 Question from H5 Explain the effects of the European Union on industrial growth in Europe
$100 Answer from H5 Invests money in less developed areas like Spain
$200 Question from H5 Which type of agriculture is practiced by the most people in the heaviest populated regions of the world?
$200 Answer from H5 Intensive Subsistence Agriculture
$300 Question from H5 The _________ is a growing concern in developing nations. People struggle with how to balance the consumption of resources to increase development and the conservation of these resources for future generations.
$300 Answer from H5 Tragedy of the Commons
$400 Question from H5 List 3 reasons why World Bank Loans could be unsuccessful.
$400 Answer from H5 lack infrastructure to develop The UN must rely on local governments to spend the money Nations fail to repay the loans,
$500 Question from H5 Define Maquiladora, Where are they? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Maquiladora Plants in comparison to Asian factories. Describe the general reasons for the emergence of Maquiladoras in the global economy. ?
$500 Answer from H5 US owned factory that produces products in Mexico along the US border then exports the products to the US for sale Advantage: close to market; NAFTA Disadvantage: more expensive labor Emergence: Close to Markets, Cheap Labor, NAFTA, rise of service sector in US
Final Jeopardy Where is the Corn Belt? Name the area and States. What is ethanol?
Final Jeopardy Answer varies