Phasing out the use of lead shot in wetlands 14 October 2011 Phasing out the use of lead shot in wetlands African-Eurasian Waterbirds Agreement (AEWA – 1999) - Conference of Bergen-op-Zoom - agreement between BirdLife and Face. Action Plan of AEWA (MOP4 - 2008) “Parties shall endeavour to phase out the use of lead shot for hunting in wetlands by the year 2000” Conference Bergen-op-Zomm (11/2004) : MSs and the EC committed “to aiming to phase out the use of lead shot in wetlands as soon as possible and in accordance with self-imposed and published timetables” Need to report to AEWA in view of the next Meeting of the Parties (May 2012) State of play of the issue in the EU What are the main lessons learnt? What is the way forward?
Phasing out the use of lead shot in wetlands (2) Ban on lead shot in wetlands decided Ban on lead shot in wetlands not decided yet Ban on lead shot concerning: Under preparation Under investigation Nothing so far or lack of information All species Certain species Everywhere DK, NL, BE (Flanders) CZ, FI, UK (England & Wales), EE AT, LU EI, LT, SI GR, MT (no hunting authorized on wetlands), PL, RO Certain areas (wetlands) DE (11 länder), BE (Wallonia), ES, SE, UK (England & Wales), UK (Scotland & N. Ireland) LV, SK, PT Wetlands + buffer zone BG, FR, HU, IT, CY Red: Legislation adopted but not entered into force yet Green: non-member of AEWA
Phasing out the use of lead shot in wetlands (3) Survey (replies from BE, BG, CY, DK, ES, FR, IT, NL, LT, PT, SE, SK, UK, FACE): No real technical barriers (DK, NL, BE). Some concerns as regards damage to processing equipments in saw mills and increased risks of injuries (SE). Temporary obstacles: price of non-lead shot ammunitions (BG, ES, LT), adaptations required (BG) Compliance can be a problem. Enforcement is complicated when the ban concerns only wetlands or certain species (BE, IT). In ES, both the possession and the use of lead shot cartridges is prohibited on certain areas. A better understanding of the issue increases a lot the level of compliance Close consultation and co-operation with the hunting community are essential (UK, SK) Awareness-raising must continue (ES, FR, IT, UK) On-going studies: Potential risks to human and wildlife health caused by the use of lead ammunition (UK) Effects of lead on terrestrial birds, human health and ecosystems (IT) Compliance study in England: non-compliance is widespread. Lack of awareness-raising: Lead poisoning = “unseen disease”. Cost of non-lead ammunition. Confusing regulation => need for information and guidance.
Phasing out the use of lead shot in wetlands (4) Action at EU-level to make progress: Monitoring Awareness-raising Legal option: REACH (Regulation (EC) n°1907/2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) EC or MSs have an obligation to undertake certain steps if a substance poses a risk to human health or the environment EC requests the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) to prepare a dossier for restriction proposal. If action on a Community-wide basis is necessary => ECHA suggests restrictions A similar procedure can be initiated by a MS Two ECHA’s Committees (Cees. for Risk assessment and Socio-economic Analysis) are consulted.
Phasing out the use of lead shot in wetlands (5) Information collected from Member States - 2009 - Validation 11/2010 Member State Ban either in certain areas (wetlands) or on certain species or on certain species in certain areas (state of play in November 2010) (various definitions of wetlands) Ban on buffer zones Total ban Ban on commercial sale Observations New legislation adopted or under preparation - Date of implementation Source of information DK YES NO Ministery 2009 NL BE Flanders - YES Ministery 2010 Wallonia - YES Wallonia - NO Wallonia: "Nickel lead" is allowed Brussels - YES Hunting prohibited everywhere Federal - YES BG Buffer zone = 200 m around the wetland FR Buffer zone = 30 m around the wetland HU Possible buffer zone = 100 m around the wetland IT Buffer zone = 100 m around the wetland CY Buffer zone = 300 m around the wetland CZ ? Applies on waterfowl. YES - 01/01/2011 DE YES in 11 länder Lead shot banned in wetlands in 11/16 länder YES in 2 Länder Ministery 2009 and FACE 2010 Total ban in land-owned forests in Brandenburg (suspended for bullets due to safety concerns - ricochets) ES FI Applies on waterfowl - No ban in Åland LV PT Applies to waterfowl on certain wetlands. YES - 2010 SE Derogations possible for trap, double trap or skeet (sport shooting) UK England -YES England -NO England - NO All birds in certain areas and certain species everywhere Ministery and FACE 2010 Wales - YES Wales - NO Idem Scotland - YES Scotland - NO Certain areas Northern Ireland - YES Northern Ireland - NO AT Under preparation. There is a recommendation of the Austrian Hunting Associations for the use of non-lead shot for hunting waterfowl in wetlands (since April 2008). YES - 2012? IE On-going public consultation. An outline agreement has been reached with the main shooters representative body. Ministery 2011 EE Certain species. YES - 01/01/2013 LU New regulation not adopted yet. Certain species. YES - 2011 ? Ministery 2010 and 2011 LT On-going discussions with hunters and the ammunition sector. Hunting forbidden on the most important wetlands. MT - No wetlands in Malta where hunting is permitted FACE 2010 SI Analysis under way SK Certain species in certain areas YES - 01/01/2015 GR FACE 2008 PL RO