Donatello DAVID***c (?). Bronze, height 5'2-1/4" [Fig ]


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Presentation transcript:

Donatello DAVID***c. 1446-1460(?). Bronze, height 5'2-1/4" [Fig. 20-14] Donatello DAVID c. 1446-1460(?). Bronze, height 5'2-1/4" (1.58 m). Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence. [Fig. 20-14]

Donatello DAVID***c. 1446-1460(?). Bronze, height 5'2-1/4" [Fig. 20-14] Donatello DAVID c. 1446-1460(?). Bronze, height 5'2-1/4" (1.58 m). Museo Nazionale del Bargello, Florence. [Fig. 20-14]

Donatello, David, bronze, 1420-1440

Donatello, Feast of Herod, *** panel of baptismal font, Sienna Cathedral c. 1420

Donatello, Feast of Herod, panel of baptismal font, Sienna Cathedral c

Fra Angelico ANNUNCIATION North dormitory corridor, monastery of San Marco, Florence. c. 1438-1445. Fresco, 7'1" × 10'6" (2.2 × 3.2 m). [Fig. 20-23] Fra Angelico ANNUNCIATION North dormitory corridor, monastery of San Marco, Florence. c. 1438-1445. Fresco, 7'1" × 10'6" (2.2 × 3.2 m). [Fig. 20-23]

Andrea del Castagno THE LAST SUPPER Refectory, convent of Sant'Apollonia, Florence. 1447. Fresco, width approx. 16' × 32' (4.6 × 9.8 m). [Fig. 20-25] Andrea del Castagno THE LAST SUPPER Refectory, convent of Sant'Apollonia, Florence. 1447. Fresco, width approx. 16' × 32' (4.6 × 9.8 m). [Fig. 20-25]

Andrea del Castagno, Last Supper, fresco, Florence, c. 1445-50

Botticelli BIRTH OF VENUS. c. 1484-1486 Botticelli BIRTH OF VENUS ***c. 1484-1486. Tempera and gold on canvas, 5'8-7/8" × 9'1-7/8" Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. [Fig. 20-40] Sandro Botticelli BIRTH OF VENUS c. 1484-1486. Tempera and gold on canvas, 5'8-7/8" × 9'1-7/8" (1.8 × 2.8 m). Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. [Fig. 20-40]

Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, c. 1482

Botticelli, The Birth of Venus, c. 1482

Sandro Botticell, Primavera. c. 1482. Tempera on wood panel Sandro Botticell, Primavera ***c. 1482. Tempera on wood panel. 6'8" × 10'4" Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. A CLOSER LOOK: Primavera by Sandro Botticelli, c. 1482. Tempera on wood panel. 6'8" × 10'4" (2.03 × 3.15 m). Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence.