Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Kathryn Huff, Vice Chair Jef Lucchini, Secretary-Treasurer 11/11/2015 Washington, DC
FCWM Mission Devoted to all aspects of the nuclear fuel cycle including waste management, worldwide. Division specific areas of interest and involvement include uranium conversion and enrichment; fuel fabrication, management (in-core and ex-core) and recycle; transportation; safeguards; high-level, low-level and mixed waste management and disposal; public policy and program management; decontamination and decommissioning environmental restoration; and excess weapons materials disposition.
FCWM Governance Chair: Jeffrey R. Brault Vice-Chair: Kathryn D. Huff Secretary/Treasurer: Jean-Francois (Jef) Lucchini Program Chair: Jared A. Johnson Executive Committee Patricia D. Paviet (2018) Sven O. Bader (2018) Steven L. Krahn (2018) Man Sung Yim (2017) Steven E. Skutnik (2017) Andrew G. Sowder (2017) Terry A. Todd (2017) Emory D. Collins (2016) Matthew L. Dennis (2016) Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar (2016) Charles W. Forsberg (2016) Alan S. Icenhour (2016) Board Liaison: Gene Grecheck
FCWM Governance Bylaws & Rules are up-to-date Division strategic plan review underway Changes to succession plan Top priorities and activities Support and urge activities to re-enter all phases of nuclear fuel cycle (contribute to ANS position papers, Yucca Mountain) Further strengthen relationships with outside professional organizations (Japanese Atomic Energy Society, South Korea) Further strengthen technical content and viability of Topicals and Nationals Increase membership and encourage participation in FCWM (young members) Support Congressional Fellows, Randall Scholarship, FCWM awards Newsletters Minimum 2 per year (3 in 2014)
Division Membership Trend (1/3)
Division Membership Trend (2/3)
Division Membership Trend (3/3)
Division Membership
Division Finances (1/2) Highlights Primary income is GLOBAL meeting 6 year cycle Some other meeting income IHLWM TopFuel Support 10-11 technical sessions at each Annual/Winter meeting
Division Finances (2/2) Highlights Randall scholarship fully endowed Travel support for winner Additional student support: ~$7000/year Congressional Fellow: $5000 Radwaste Magazine: $2000 Free 1-year online subscription to 100 newest FCWM members
FCWM Program Highlights (1/2) Primary topical meeting GLOBAL series rotates to US every 6 years (next in 2019) (Co)sponsorship of other topicals TopFuel (2016 – Boise, ID) IHLWM (2017 – Charlotte, SC) ANFM (2019 – TBD)
FCWM Program Highlights (2/2) 10-11 technical sessions per national meeting in the last two years 2012 2013 2014 2015 Annual 6 1 panel – 12 speakers 5 sessions – 34 papers San Diego, CA 4 4 sessions – 21 papers Atlanta, GA 10 3 panels - 15 speakers 7 sessions – 28 papers Reno, NV 3 panels (1 co-sponsored) – 11 speakers 7 sessions – 34 papers San Antonio, TX Winter 2 panels – 11 speakers 4 sessions – 31 papers 5 2 panels – 13 speakers 3 sessions – 24 papers Washington, DC 16 6 panels (1 co-sponsored) – 34 speakers 10 sessions (3 co-sponsored) – 87 papers Anaheim, CA 4 panels – 21 speakers 6 sessions – 55 papers
Recent FCWM Contributions to Society Objective A: ANS as Thought Leader Supported response to the EPA Clean Power Plan Provided comments to NRC on Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), NUREG-2184
Recent FCWM Contributions to Society Objective B: Outreach & Policy Wilson Represented ANS in Hofstra Debate Key role in 11 position statements Formed revision committee to update Public Policy Statement PS 46 Risk-Informed and Performance-Based Regulations for Nuclear Technology Partnered with NNPD to produce the 2014 revision of PS 45 Nuclear Fuel Recycling with a 32 page back ground paper
Recent FCWM Contributions to Society Objective C: Professional Development Created first three FCWM Awards Objective D: Knowledge Dissemination Radwaste Solutions subscriptions for 100 newest members High newsletter frequency (2-3 per year) Increased number of Technical Session offerings dramatically
Recent FCWM Contributions to Society Objective E: Continuous Improvement Supported launch of NNPD Focus on Young Members Active YMG liason YM EC members YM Session Chairs University Research Technical Sessions Increased Randall Scholarship amount to $5000 Contributed to Lineberry Scholarship
Future FCWM Contributions to Society Objective B: Outreach & Policy Update and reorganize position statements Objective C: Professional Development Explore creation of PD workshop(s) and/or short courses Undergraduate curriculum content
Future FCWM Contributions to Society Objective E: Continuous Improvement Review financial sustainability More structure for national meeting program offerings Emphasize membership and young member retention
Summary Second largest division with broad connection to members (21.65% of ANS membership – 2251 members, 268 students) Concrete opportunities for ongoing improvement Update Position Statements Explore PD workshops & short courses Increase young member retention