Project Coordination Group (PCG) for the implementation of the MSFD


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Presentation transcript:

Project Coordination Group (PCG) for the implementation of the MSFD 12-13 September 2013 European Commission, DG Environment, Marine Unit © iStockphoto

Agenda: 1) Update on developments regarding CIS WP beyond 2014 and role of PCG 2) Implementation: Progress and update on on-going IMP projects (overview) 3) Planning: List of IMP projects in the pipeline and ideas 4) Thematic clustering: Projects linked to monitoring 5) Dissemination: Follow up from March 2013 PCG meeting 6) Developing science/policy interface: 7) Next steps and planning for 2014 8) Any other business

3 Framework contracts (FRAs) FRA on services related to coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach FRA on support for the development of methodological standards in relation to good environmental status of the seas under the MSFD FRA on emerging pressures, human activities and measures in the marine environment (including marine litter) Technical work starts through specific assignments within each FRA. Several contracts have been launched or are in the pipeline (see next slides)

Marine Conference in the beginning of 2014 (signed) Within FRA on services related to coordination between the different marine regions in implementing the ecosystem approach Analysis of RSC needs ensuring better coherence of approaches under the MSFD (draft final report distributed to PCG) Analyse RSC needs for support in relation to MSFD implementation, and make recommendations on future areas of work; consider needs of each individual RSC and coherence among different RSCs. Marine Conference in the beginning of 2014 (signed) Preparation of a conference on work undertaken under MSFD, (RSC contribution to MSFD implementation, Commission's Article 12 report) with representatives from all contracting parties of the four RSCs, Secretariats, experts etc.. Technical and administrative support for the joint implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) in Bulgaria and Romania (Tender started) Technical and administrative support for the joint implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) by Mediterranean EU MS (tender planned) Two last tenders planned to support CIS WP regional components development and implementation

Within FRA on support for the development of methodological standards in relation to good environmental status of the seas under the MSFD Conceptual document on coherence scales and aggregation rules for assessment and monitoring of GES (in evaluation process) Analyse and compare the national approaches per descriptor regarding scales for assessment of state, determining GES and setting environmental targets. Comparison with regional approaches and methods applied in research projects Identify issues that require further consultation by MS, RSC and the EC. Develop a conceptual document for coherent geographic scales and aggregation rules in assessment and monitoring of GES. This work will feed into WG GES and will be carried out in close collaboration with the WG GES (in particular their co-leads) as an input to the work mandated by the Marine Directors.

Within FRA on emerging pressures, human activities and measures in the marine environment (including marine litter) Administrative, organisational and logistic support for the Technical Sub-Groups on Marine Litter and Underwater Noise. Implementation started This task includes the successful preparation and organisation of 9 events (meetings of the TSG Noise and TSG Litter and workshops) including all necessary reports to WG GES/MD. Marine litter study to support the establishment of an initial quantitative headline reduction target (tender started) The final deliverable includes a report containing a proposal for a quantified reduction target based on an analysis of the baseline sent by Member States and taking into account on-going work on the waste review. The final report will also analyse the results of the public consultation and contain a list of priority action in other policy areas to be pursued in future. Identification and assessment of riverine input of (marine) litter (tender started) The final deliverable includes a report containing full analysis of the monitoring, assessment and identification of sources of litter in river basins within Europe.

Within FRA on emerging pressures, human activities and measures in the marine environment (including marine litter) Guidelines for sustainable aquaculture development(in evaluation process) The objective of the contract is to provide background information and support for the development of EU broad guidance on aquaculture development addressing sustainability and environmental protection, in particular the requirements of the WFD and the MSFD and organize a debate with MS on this. This activity will be a follow up to the Sustainable Aquaculture Guidelines which the Commission will present shortly, as part of the Blue Growth actions. Impacts of noise and use of propagation models to predict the recipient side of noise (contract signed) The final deliverable includes a report containing full analysis on the impacts of noise and development of propagation models to produce underwater sound maps

Other initial ideas for topics for FRA contracts to be explored in the next phase could include: IT management sharing information flows between RSCs; PCG coordination , information exchange platform, Modelling of impact and pressures – toolbox for marine policy, Invasive species, Identification inventory of marine pressures, Cost effectiveness of measures, Information platform for cost effective measures for marine pressures, Impacts from climate change on European seas. Feedback and additional ideas from PCG welcome.

C. Progress on other relevant DG ENV projects: 2. Latest information on projects under IMP C. Progress on other relevant DG ENV projects: Support action by the Joint Research Centre: Implementation on-going. Support action by ICES: Implementation on-going. IMP project: "Sharing of best practices on integrated coastal zone management (ICZM), in a context of adaptation to climate change in coastal areas" –contract signed and under way Parliamentary Pilot project — new knowledge for an integrated management of human activity in the sea (proposals under evaluation) Parliamentary Pilot project — marine litter removal (pilot project on assessing best practices and starting business cases for litter removal, incl. ghost nets): Implementation on-going.