Signs of False Teachers II Peter 2:10b-16
False teachers are evident by their smugness (v. 10b-13a). A. False teachers act like they are unstoppable (vv. 10b-11). B. False teachers act like they are uncontrollable (v. 12). C. False teachers act like they are untouchable (v. 13a).
False teachers are evident by their sinfulness (vv. 13b-14). A. False teachers think their sin is great (v. 13b). B. False teachers think their sin is gratifying (v. 14).
False teachers are evident by their selfishness (vv. 15-16). A. False teachers think their prosperity is everything (v. 15). B. False teachers think their perspective is accurate (v. 16).
Signs of False Teachers Satan is at work using false teachers. Are you alert trusting the truth of God’s Word?