Final Projects Week 8
Today’s Work Talk about Final Project Check WWU Timetable for time of final All must participate in final presentations and as a courtesy to your fellow classmates kindly remain through the end Also treat this like a final (ie. tell your boss if you have job that you won’t be coming in during this time)
Past Final Projects Building a Geologic Map Mercury Pollution in Bellingham Bay Trail Construction/Location in Parks Driving Map from Place to Place Archaeological Site Map Illustrate the route and extent of my attempted climb of Mt. Baker Find best site for residential construction Look for Salmon Habitat and Culverts Make a Historical Study Create a Better Understanding of the Middle East Cross Country Courses for a meet Lewis and Clark Locating habitat like duck nesting sites Create Maps for a Study Plan in K-12 Le Tour de Whatcom (Bike Race) Frisbee Golf Course Study Population Patterns Analyze Aerial Photographs Document an Archeological Site Create a Classroom Assignment Field Study of Invasive Species Illustrate Historical Events Analyze Election Results Analyze Socio-Economic Data across space Layout a Mass Transit Network Impacts of Clearcutting Huck Finn’s Mississippi Ranges of Bat Species Before and after study for Elwah Dam removal
ESRI Web Site for Social Studies The url below takes you to a web site where social studies teachers have posted exercises. Each has some very interesting data
GIS Definition & Key Elements Website of uses of GIS in Transportation Planning GIS Definition & Key Elements
GIS Definition & Key Elements Website of uses of GIS in K-12 Education GIS Definition & Key Elements
GIS Definition & Key Elements Website of uses of GIS in National Park Management GIS Definition & Key Elements
Local Data Sets City of Bellingham Bellingham GIS data: Washington State DOT GIS data: And finally, here is the link to the old historical maps in both GIS and Google Earth:
General Outline on Final Projects Your Project Title GOAL what are you planning on accomplishing define the project
General Outline on Final Projects DATA Data acquiring -- what do you need, where can you get it Data preprocessing -- how do you need to change/adjust it to make it useful Database management -- how do you need to store it, update it, add to it...
General Outline on Final Projects ANALYSIS AND MANIPULATION How will you extract answers Tool and model implementation PRODUCT GENERATION What maps, charts, diagrams, tables... do you need
Discussion and Critique Discuss what your final products show Critique your work and talk about further work
General Outline on Final Projects FINAL REPORT WRITE-UP Brief overview of all the above steps Discussion of results -- what you know and how you know it Critique -- what could be improved or done better Future directions -- where does this lead you next Realize that although this appears in a linear fashion it is actually an iterative and recursive process. You may have to jump backwards and forwards between steps as the work proceeds.
PowerPoint for Final Presentation Organized in same way as reports Use Bullet points instead of prose Include all maps within the Powerpoint
General Outline on Research Projects Your Project GOAL what are you planning on accomplishing define the project DATA Data acquiring -- what do you need, where can you get it Data preprocessing -- how do you need to change/adjust it to make it useful Database management -- how do you need to store it, update it, add to it... ANALYSIS AND MANIPULATION How will you extract answers Tool and model implementation PRODUCT GENERATION What maps, charts, diagrams, tables... do you need DISCUSSION What did you learn What could you improve, what might you do next time FINAL REPORT Brief overview of all the above steps Discussion of results -- what you know and how you know it Critique -- what could be improved or done better Future directions -- where does this lead you next Realize that although this appears in a linear fashion it is actually an iterative and recursive process. You may have to jump backwards and forwards between steps as the work proceeds.
Tools Electronic Atlas Thematic Mappers GIS Map Making Digitizing Use of Air Photos Use of Projections Simple Analysis GPS Etc…