Weathering, Deposition and Erosion Lab JH-KEADLE Weathering, Deposition and Erosion Lab
Weathering - the breaking down and/or wearing away of earth materials Erosion – the carrying away or movement of weathered earth materials Deposition – the process of eroded earth materials being dropped in another location
Physical Weathering – Breakdown of rock into smaller pieces without any change in the chemical composition of its minerals. ice wedging exfoliation thermal expansion biotic
Chemical Weathering - Breakdown of rock into smaller pieces because of change in the chemical composition of its minerals oxidation hydrolysis carbonation biotic
Station 1 Chemical Weathering Procedure 1. Place the caliche rock in the Petri dish 2. Observe the rock using the hand lens. Write a brief description of the rock and draw a diagram in the box.
Station 1 Chemical Weathering 3. Use the eye dropper to place 10 drops of vinegar at one spot on the rock.
Station 1 Chemical Weathering
Station 1 Chemical Weathering
Station 2 Physical Weathering Procedure Place the black construction paper on the table. Observe the surface of the two rocks using the hand lens.
Station 2 Physical Weathering Procedure Rub the two rocks together over the black paper. Observe and record what happens to the rock
Station 2 Physical Weathering make sure you answer these questions
Station 3 Wave Erosion Procedure 1. Place some sand on one side of the tray. 2. Gently pour some water in the remaining portion of the tray so that the level of the water is below the level of the sand.
Station 3 Wave Erosion Procedure 3. Create gently waves by moving the pan slowly from side to side. DO NOT move it hard enough to spill water everywhere.
Station 3 Wave Erosion make sure you answer these questions
Station 4 Wind Erosion Procedure 1. Place some sand on one side of the tray. 2. Arrange the small rocks on top of the layer of sand.
Station 4 Wind Erosion Procedure 3. Using a straw, blow gently on the sand an rocks and observe how they move. Do not blow hard enough to get sand all over the table or in another person’s eye. Do Not share straws!
Station 3 Wave Erosion make sure you answer these questions
To finish the assignment, complete the multiple choice questions.