ART AND SCIENCE OF CREATIVE ADVERTISING An ad needs to contain a persuasive message that convinces people to take action An ad must make relevant connection with its audience and present a selling idea in an unexpected way
ROI OF EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING An effective ad is relevant original and has impact An idea with impact breaks through the clutter, gets attention and sticks in memory An ad with impact has stopping power that comes from an intriguing idea
ROI OF EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING The Big Idea Message is both getting and memorable “True?” by Budweiser- big Idea is people drinking beer keeps people together, and they speak the same language Sometimes visuals come first, sometimes words
Budweiser’s “True” advertising featuring a bunch of normal everyday guys with a connection
ROI OF EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING Practical tips for creating Original Ideas An unexpected twist An unexpected association Catchy phrasing A play on words Analogy and metaphor Familiar and strange
ROI OF EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING To prevent unoriginal ideas The common The look-alike Clichés The tasteless
ROI OF EFFECTIVE ADVERTISING The Creative Leap A Big Idea that expresses an original advertising thought involving mind-shift Looking at something a different way, from a different angle All creative ideas comes with an element of risk
CREATIVE THINKING A special form of problem solving Free Association Divergent Thinking Analogies and Metaphors Right-brain thinking
Organics outdoor advertisement – Singapore
“The Extra For Healthy Teeth”
CREATIVE THINKING Creative Aerobics Creative Roles Facts New Names Similarities New Definitions Creative Roles
CREATIVE THINKING The Creative Person Key Characteristics: Problem Solving Ability to Visualize Openness to New Experiences Conceptual Thinking
THE CREATIVE PROCESS Steps and Stages Step 1 : Immersion Step 2 : Ideation Step 3 : Brainfog Step 4 : Incubation Step 5 : Illumination Step 6 : Evaluation
THE CREATIVE PROCESS Brainstorming A thinking technique were 6-10 people work together to come up with ideas One person’s idea stimulates someone else’s Remain positive and defer judgment
CREATIVE STRATEGY How the message is said Message Objectives Perception Cognitive Affective Persuasion Transformation Behaviour
CREATIVE STRATEGY Head and Heart Strategies Hard and Soft-Sell Strategies Lectures and Dramas
Hardsell -“VW Jetta”
Softsell -“Honda”
FACETS OF CREATIVE STRATEGY 1. Messages That Drive Perception Attention and Awareness Interest Memory 2. Messages That Drive Cognition 3. Messages That Touch Emotions
Emotions-”Animal Care & Control of New York”
FACETS OF CREATIVE STRATEGY 4. Messages That Persuade Appeals Selling Premises Benefit Promise Reason Why Unique Selling Proposition Conviction
Emirates Kargo
FACETS OF CREATIVE STRATEGY 5. Messages That Transform Product into a Brand - Associations 6. Messages That Drive Action 7. Delivering on the Objectives and Strategies
Message to Drive Action -“Tolnaftate”
FACETS OF CREATIVE STRATEGY 8. Message Approaches Straightforward Demonstration Comparison Problem Solution Humor Slice of Life Spokesperson Teasers Shockvertising
More tips for creating Original Ideas Be observant Keep a notebook Have lots of ideas Test your ideas