NCAR-GFDL Workshops on Model Development


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Presentation transcript:

NCAR-GFDL Workshops on Model Development 3 meetings in 2002/2003 Latest this October at GFDL Focus has been on atmospheric models to date; Analogous oceanic effort beginning to form Will also be collaborating through atmospheric and oceanic CPTs

Global climate sensitivity and cloud feedbacks Regional climate responses Similarities and differences in model biases Comparing model development strategies, metrics Sharing diagnostics and data

Currently running 4 100 year simulations with SST Error Years 71-80 RMS=1.43 Currently running 4 100 year simulations with 2 atmosphere and 2 ocean configurations; Freezing model by end of month T. Delworth

GFDL AM2p5 vs NCAR CAM2 B. Soden

GFDL AM2p12a vs NCAR CAM2x B. Soden

Trade inversion height AM2p10 AM2p12 meters S. Klein

2 meter relative humidity AM2p10 AM2p12 percent S. Klein

J. Kiehl

J. Norris, UCSD

Compare sensitivities, cloud feedbacks, regional responses in a hierarchy of model configurations Coupled scenarios 1% per year CO2 increase (CMIP) Equilibrium response with flux-adjusted slab-ocean Response to composite CMIP SST perturbation at time of CO2 doubling “Cess” uniform SST perturbation

“Cess” Method Uniform ocean warming Measure change in TOA flux. (-2 K to +2 K). Sea ice is fixed. CO2 is fixed. Measure change in TOA flux.

A. Broccoli, B. Soden. T. Knutson, and others

Cloud Feedback in AM2/Cess (Negative FB) Radiative Damping (W/m2/K) (Positive FB) p12a B. Soden

Composite CMIP2 SST change at time of CO2 doubling

Impact of Structured SST Change Uniform Warming Structured Warming

Change in Asian monsoon precipitation JJA Change in global mean surface T CMIP SSTs ML CAM P. Kushner AM2

Change in S. American precipitation DJF Change in global mean surface T CMIP SSTs ML P. Kushner AM2 CAM

Change in surface Temperature Annual mean Change in global mean surface T Cess ML AM2 CAM

Change in zonal mean zonal wind Annual mean Change in global mean surface T Cess CMIP ML CAM AM2

Model biases Upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric temperatures Double ITCZ ENSO regressions (cloud forcing, flux into ocean) Arctic surface pressures

Annual mean T AM2p12b CAMX

AM2p12b CAMX

AM2p12b CAMX