Leadership Journey Michelle Wallace March 2013 3 phases: In the beginning of my leadership career; my leadership traits; how to continue growth. Leadership Journey Michelle Wallace March 2013
Sink or Swim… In the beginning… sink or swim
reflection Caused me to do a lot of reflection… on my leadership… Through doctoral program, I have developed my traits
Sensing- Sensitivity MBTI- ESTJ; Sensing…. 360 sensitivity to others’ needs
Judgment- leaders must learn to make judgment calls; some popular and supported, others are not
Taking Risks
Developing others into leaders Developing others into leaders. Leaders should create more leaders, not more followers. Encouraging Others
Transition and Change
Setting Direction…
Precision and Sequence
Technical Reasoning…
What now? How to continue the growth…
How others see me and my traits…
Communication…. Many forms!
Strengths AND Weaknesses Understanding Strengths AND Weaknesses
Time for self
Time for others
All will be okay…peace out