Zerene Stacker Bio 498/698
Outline: Review: Opening the Zerene Stacker Adding Files Stacking Files Properly Saving/Naming Compiled Images Closing the Project
Zerene Stacker: Opening *To open: Press the M3 button on the keyboard
Zerene Stacker
Zerene Stacker: Adding Files To add a set of slices, go to File>Add File(s) Find the desired file ‘Ctrl+a’ To select all files Click ‘Add’ You can also select the files in Explorer and drag and drop into Zerene Stacker.
Zerene Stacker All of the files have now been added
Zerene Stacker: Stacking Files To stack the files into one compiled image: On the toolbar, select ‘Stack’ Align & Stack All (PMax)
Zerene Stacker: Saving Compiled Images After the images have finished stacking, save the compiled image Go to File Save Output Image(s)
Zerene Stacker: Naming Compiled Images For the File name, the Stacker will choose one for you. To name the compiled image correctly, click on one of the sliced images.
Zerene Stacker: Naming Compiled Images This will change the file name.
Zerene Stacker: Naming Compiled Images Change the last number to be ‘C’ or ‘comp’. ex: “GEWA1234_100mm_1to1_013” changes to “GEWA1234_100mm_1to1_comp” File type should be ‘TIFF image’ The File Saving Parameters should be 8 bits RGB Click ‘Save’
Zerene Stacker: End Once the compiled image has successfully saved, click File->Close Project>”Yes, discard any unsaved work”