Things to Know– Brain Anatomy Major regions – know where the structures are and the function Cerebrum Diencephalon – hypothalamus and thalamus Mescenphalon – midbrain Pons Cerebellum Medulla Corpus Callosum Fornix Sulci vs Gyrus Post-central vs pre-central Meninges Ventricles Pathway of CSF production and circulation
What three structures make up the “brain stem” ? Midbrain, Pons, Medulla
Where is CSF produced? Choroid plexus
What do you call the highly branched white matter of the cerebellum? Arbor Vitae
Things to Know – Nervous System & Synapse CNS vs PNS Neurons vs Glial cells Know the glial cells of PNS and CNS Know the components of a neuron -- be able to label Know what myelin does and what produces myelin Salutatory conduction and Nodes of Ranvier Blood brain barrier Electrical synapse vs chemical synapse Release of a neurotransmitter – EPSP vs IPSP Electrical activity of a neuron Thresholds & resting potential Ion channels involved All-or-None Recruitment Depolarization vs Hyperpolarization Refractory periods
The resting potential of a cell is mainly positive or negative?
True or False: Hyperpolarization is caused by an influx of Na+
What is an interneuron? Bridges the pathway between sensory and motor information
Which type of glial cell makes myelin in the PNS? Schwann
How does the nervous system code for stimulus intensity? Increasing the number of action potentials or via recruiting activation of other neurons
Things to Know – Spinal Cord & Reflexes Gray matter vs white matter Dorsal vs lateral vs anterior horn (in terms of function) Spinal meninges Reflex arc! Know pathway of (sensory – spinal cord – motor) Know the cranial nerves by name and function Know the different plexuses and the nerves that belong to them DO NOT need to label nerves Know them by name and function
Sensory information is carried to which gray horn of the spinal cord? Dorsal
The sciatic nerve belongs to which plexus? Sacral
Things to Know – Special Senses Smell / Taste Organs Receptors involved Pathway of activation Epithelial projections of the tongue Primary taste perceptions Vision – Label Iris, sclera, pupil, palpebrae, cornea, lens Accessory structures of the eye Lacrimal apparatus Tunics and the structures found in each Muscles of the pupil Cellular organization of the retina RODS VS CONES Visual pathway Near-sight vs Far sight (refractive problems video) Auditory - Label – pinna, stapes, incus, malleus, cochlea, semi-circular canals, Vestibule, Receptors Pathway External vs middle vs internal ear structures and functions
What is another name for the tympanic membrane? Ear drum
Which photoreceptors detect motion? Rods
Which of the following sensory neurons are the only ones that can regenerate? Olfactory