Beacon Types Beacon Type Granularity Beacon coverage Tech Rollout (worldwide units) Phones (109) PDAs (107) Laptops (108) 802.11 50m-100m Good No Yes Bluetooth 10m-100m Increasing GSM 100m-3km Very good Few GPS 5m-30m Outdoors Not yet Infra Red 3m-10m None Audio beacons Visual beacons 1m-10m Some
Mobile Phone Platform J2ME’s MIDP/CLDC environment VM restrictions, e.g. no floats (CLDC 1.0) Different beacon types available GSM cell tower ID, Bluetooth, but not WiFi Potential for much higher rollout than for PDAs, Laptops Development in collaboration with Intel Research Cambridge
Nokia Developer Platforms Source:
Nokia Developer Platforms MIDP CLDC # phones Bluetooth Native Float Support Series 40 1.0 MIDP 1.0 CLDC 1.1 41 phones No Yes Series 40 2.0 MIDP 2.0 5 phones Series 60 1.0 CLDC 1.0 7 phones Series 60 2.0 Series 80 2.0 1 phone Series 90 2.0 CDMA 9 phones
Future Releases Symbian OS 8 supports MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 Nokia 6630 already released using Symbian OS 8/Series 60 2.0 JSR 179 Location API Java standard to provide Cell ID, GPS, phone orientation (like a compass) No known phone provides this support yet
Top 10 Most Popular Asian Phones MIDP Version CLDC Version Extra Notes Nokia 6230 MIDP 2.0 CLDC 1.1 Series 40 2.0 Nokia 7610 CLDC 1.0 Series 60 2.0 Panasonic X70 MIDP 1.0 Samsung E700 Sony T630 Nokia 7200 Series 40 1.0 Nokia N-Gage Series 60 1.0 Nokia 6600 Sony T610 Motorola E365 Source: (June 2004)
AT&T Wireless Top 7 phones MIDP Version CLDC Version Extra Notes Samsung X426 MIDP 1.0 CLDC 1.0 Nokia 6800 Series 40 1.0 Nokia 3595 Nokia 3100 Nokia 3200 Nokia 6820 Nokia 3620 Series 60 1.0 Source: (July 2004)