DOS TUESDAY Breaking rock into silt and other tiny pieces is known as ________________. Erosion Weathering Deposition Mass movement
Topography Landform Sand dune delta DOS TUESDAY 2. A natural land shape or feature is called ___________. Topography Landform Sand dune delta
Ocean Sky Mountain bus DOS TUESDAY 3. Two examples of a landform are a plain and a __________. Ocean Sky Mountain bus
1. Because of erosion a rocky beach may become ________. DOS Wednesday 1. Because of erosion a rocky beach may become ________. A mountain A valley A sandy beach A hill
Deposition Delta Weathering Erosion DOS Wednesday 2. _____________ is the movement of sediment, such as soil, sand or weathered pieces of rock. Deposition Delta Weathering Erosion
Deposition Volcano Magma None of these DOS Wednesday 3. The process of dropping sediment in a new location is _________. Deposition Volcano Magma None of these
Fault Valley Sediment None of the above DOS Thursday 1. The location where pieces of the crust move is _______. Fault Valley Sediment None of the above
Deposition Volcano Magma Beach DOS Thursday 2. An opening in the crust through which lava flows is _____. Deposition Volcano Magma Beach
Sinkhole Beach Delta Erosion DOS Thursday 3. __________ is new land that forms at the mouth of a river or where the river empties into an ocean. Sinkhole Beach Delta Erosion