Matthew Rowe Dr William Holderbaum, Dr Ben Potter, Dr Yang Liu The Scheduling and Control Of Storage Devices On The Low Voltage Network Using Forecasted Energy Demand Matthew Rowe Dr William Holderbaum, Dr Ben Potter, Dr Yang Liu November 16, 2018
Introduction Storage in the Thames Valley Vision (TVV) Why we need forecasts 3 step methodology Algorithms Results
Why do we need storage? Postpone or negate the need for conventional reinforcement Thermal Constraints Voltage problems Frequency control Storage Storage
Load Profile Aggregation
Why do we need to use forecasts? Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3
3 step methodology Forecasts Scheduling Algorithm Real Time Control
Scheduling Algorithm
What makes a good forecast for controlling storage devices? Error in Peak Time No Error Error in magnitude Error in Peak Duration
The Architecture – How are we going to deal with errors in the forecasts?
Pre Processing 3 Stage Process to increase the robustness of reducing the peaks To add robustness to the forecast based on the error bounds Adds to and widens peaks Smooth the filter
Results – No Real Time Monitoring A validated 30 Customer aggregation Over 3 weeks of actuals the peak demand is reduced 97% of the time. Reduction is by at least 10%, 65% of the time
Real Time Control incorporating the forecasts
Year and a half's worth of Irish data Irish Social Science Data Archive, “CER Smart Metering Project,” 2012. [Online]. Available:
Future Work With Forecasts Develop further Real Time optimal control techniques Carry out further case studies of different feeder models and customer aggregations, developing and working on the Pre processing algorithm. Develop models of Multiple storage devices incorporating forecasts to influence the behaviour and control of the system. Continue to develop relationships between what makes a good forecast and measure of a forecast for the control of storage devices
Energy Research Laboratory – Reading University The Scheduling and Control Of Storage Devices On The Low Voltage Network Using Forecasted Energy Demand Any Questions? Matthew Rowe Energy Research Laboratory – Reading University November 16, 2018