Reform Social Security Laws, Act No.3 Year 1992 (2011-2012) Emma & Lena
Contents Agenda Time Frame Background Target Groups Objectives Activities Program
Background Background Justification: Less benefit of Social security for workers, ex: Only a certain accident/diseases are covered. Social securty body must pay the tax. Corruption Justification: ILO Convention No. 87, 98, etc Act No 3 Year 1992 Act No 21 Year 2000
Target Group and Parties Involved Formal workers Informal Workers Employer Trade Union Government KAJS
Comitte of Social Security KSPSI KAJS KSBSI KSPI
Objectives Short Term Objectives Secure the health and education security for all including workers Long Term Objectives Welfare workers secured by social security law Content Layouts
Activities Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 General Planning 2011 Create KJAS (Comittee) : KSPI, KSBSI, KSPSI Compose the proposal of social security revision Personal parties Lobbying Fractional lobbying Political parties lobbying Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Legitimize the law Campaign the social security proposal to formal and informal workers and others stakeholder Socialize the programmes General Planning 2011
Content of The Proposal Reform legal institution of Jamsostek (private government company) to Independent legal institution → No tax and deviden for government Improve social security inspection by tripartite mechanism Change the legal minister of Informal sector to become the law Jamsostek Fund is probihited to subsidirize other except workers Improve and expand Jamsostek services, Easy in Accesing Jamsostek account All health facility, clinic established as a healthy provider