Storm water overflows study European Commission Directorate General for Environment Unit C.2 - Marine Environment & Water Industry Bruno Rakedjian x
WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT STORM WATER OVERFLOWS POTENTIAL IMPACT OF POLLUTED STORM WATER OVERFLOWS Human microbiological contamination (shelfish, bathing water, water leisure activities,…) Animal microbiological contamination (animal watering,…) Fish mortality (lack of oxygen) Animal or plant mortalities (suffocation by excess of solid matter) Nutrient, chemical contamination in water bodies Litter source (from the sewage but also from impervious surfaces) ...
WHAT WE KNOW ABOUT STORM WATER OVERFLOWS Polluted storm water overflows have to be reduced in order to reach the objectives of the directives, Convention and Commission for a better environment and health
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Study mainly focused on storm water overflows from combine waste water collecting systems and treatment plants The Commission wants to know better the current situation
OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Assessment of storm water overflows in relation to EU regulation and International Convention and Commission + comparison with USA Assessment of the specific national regulation and guidance Assessement of the situation of storm water overflows in each MS (monitoring in place or not, volume of waste water discharged due to storm water overflows,…) Assessment of the impacts of storm water overflows through scientific studies
Result of the study Complete and layman report concerning each part of the study Easier access to EU and national regulation concerning this topic which could help MS to improve their own regulation Depending from the findings proposal to go forward and to improve the situation T
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