Hearths Concepts Diffusion World Belief Systems Hearths Concepts Diffusion
Judaism originated in Southwest Asia about 2000 BCE founder: Abraham first major ethical monotheism Covenant founder: Abraham sacred text: Torah and Talmud sacred sites: Jerusalem (Western Wall), land between the Mediterranean and the Jordan River
Judaism Ethnic Religion (very few converts) social manifestation: Zionism diffusion: into European cities during the Diaspora, into N. America during WWII, into Israel over the last 50 years
The Western Wall and Cemetery in Prague
Great Synagogue (Czech Republic) and The Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation synagogue in Evanston, Ill.
Hinduism: Foundations Northern South Asia (Indus Valley)1800-1000 BCE-No specific founder Scholars interpreted the Vedic hymns into the Upanishads (750-550 BCE) Polytheistic: with a concept of unity Caste system/varna: determines every aspect of an individual life (dharma) Concepts of reincarnation (transmigration) Way of Knowledge- yoga meditation Way of Action- doing your job Way of Devotion- worship
Brahma: The Creator Shiva: The Destroyer Vishnu: The Protector
Hinduism: Ethnic religion Diffusion limited to South Asia and some parts of Southeast Asia (Bali) and the developed world Trade routes Relocation diffusion in Western world (British colonialism) Sacred sites: Ganges River and thousands of holy sites. 750 million followers today
Largest Temple in New Deli
Buddhism Emerged as a protest to Hindu caste system 2500 years ago. founder: Siddartha (the Buddha) 525BCE Atheistic: recognizing local spirits/gods/traditions Anyone can achieve salvation, enlightenment 4 noble truths 8 fold path right knowledge, intentions, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and meditation.
Buddhism sacred sites: stupas contain relics of the Buddha Hearth: Nepal south to the Ganges River area. diffusion: most strongly into Tibet in the north and into East Asia Relocation (monastic and missionary traditions) Chain migration Trade routes
Christianity Hearth: Mediterranean 1st Century CE Founder: Jesus, split from Judaism Basic concepts of ethical monotheism 10 commandments Life of Jesus Early doctrinal split into Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic 1054
Christianity Protestant revolution further split Largest and globally dispersed (1.6 billion) Diffusion: expansion and relocation strong missionary outreach Follows colonial patterns
Thailand Africa Brazil
Greek Orthodox France Ohio
Islam originated on Arabian peninsula about 600CE- (newest of the big guys) ethical monotheistic religion sacred text: Qu’ran founder: Muhammad sacred sites: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem split in the church over succession: Sunni Muslims (great majority) Shi’ite Muslims (concentrated in Iran) Relocation/Chain/Conquest/Heirarchical: across Arabian peninsula, across North Africa, into Spain and also east into Southeast Asia, eventually Sub-Saharan Africa
Paris Turkey Tempe, AZ
Taoism Traced to prehistoric practices Laozi, 250 BCE- text named for him Diffused as different dynasties adopted principles of the faith Many small branches, but commonalities focus on the concept of YIN/YANG natural order, peace, vitality, receptiveness, and flexibility are important and finally, action without action Tao literally means “the way” or the road/path emphasizing compassion, moderation, and humility The body is a microcosm of the universe (gain understanding of the universe, by understanding one’s self)
Polytheistic with a hierarchy of gods, down to animist spirits # Taoists is hard to guess, due to a variety of factors including defining Taoism. Estimated that 400 million people practice Chinese folk religions Strongest in regions with high Chinese population, largest non Chinese following in Korea.
Taoist Architecture has no universal theme Taiwan Beverly Hills Beijing
Ba’hai Youngest of the world faiths- Mid 1800s Founder Bahaullah drew from the previous teachings of; Zoroaster, Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Krishna, Muhammad Central Themes Unity Humanity is a single race, class, creed, and nation Gender equality Universal education
Ba’hai Global distribution- 5 million followers worldwide- uninversalizing faith 189 countries- 2100 different ethnicities- 800 languages With stressing unity, there has been no sectarianism- policy is governed by the Guardianship and the Universal House of Justice (elected through direct voting) Holy sites in Israel (remains of founder) and No clergy- emphasis on individual, sermons, rituals
7 Houses of Worship: 9 sides central dome Ashkabad, Central Asia, demolished in 1962. Sydney, Australia Kampala, Ugnada Wilmette, IL
Langenhain, Germany New Delhi, India Samoa Panama City, Panama
Proposed house of worship in Santiago, Chile