Social Cognitive Perspective 1 Different People choose different environments. The TV you watch, friends you hang with, music you listen to were all chosen by you (your disposition) But after you choose the environment, it also shapes you.
Social Cognitive Perspective 2 Our personalities help create situations to which we react. If I expect someone to be angry with me, I may give that person the cold shoulder, creating the very behavior I expect.
Definition and basics: 2 Interaction of persons and situations We learn many of our behaviors Conditioning Observation modeling Mental process is important We think about what we are doing Theory focuses on: How we and our environment interact How do we interpret and respond to external events?
Bandura is Back 3 Social cognitive theory stems from social learning theory (under the umbrella of behaviorism). Behaviorism (as introduced by Watson) supports a direct and unidirectional pathway between stimulus and response, representing human behavior as a simple reaction to external stimuli.
Social-Cognitive Theories on Personality 4 Focus on how we interact with our culture and environment Albert Bandura is back!!! Reciprocal Determinism (traits, environment and behavior all interact and influence each other.)
Reciprocal determinism 4 Interacting influences between personality and environmental factors Different people choose different environments Our personalities shape how we interpret and react to events. Our personalities help create situations to which we react.
Julian Rotter: Locus of Control Personal Control 5 Social-cognitive psychologists emphasize our sense of personal control, whether we control the environment or the environment controls us. External locus of control refers to the perception that chance or outside forces beyond our personal control determine our fate. OBJECTIVE 21| Discuss the effects of a perception of internal or external control, and describe the concept of learned helplessness. Internal locus of control refers to the perception that we can control our own fate. Julian Rotter: Locus of Control
Individuals & Environments 6 Specific ways in which individuals and environments interact Different people choose different environments. The school you attend and the music you listen to are partly based on your dispositions. Our personalities shape how we react to events. Anxious people react to situations differently than calm people. Our personalities shape situations. How we view and treat people influences how they treat us.
External Locus of Control 7 The perception that chance or outside forces beyond one’s personal control determine one’s fate.
Internal Locus of Control 8 The perception that one controls one’s own fate.
Learned Helplessness 9 The hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events.