New Work Programme and mandates 2005/2006 WFD Common Implementation Strategy Work Programme 2005/2006 Agenda Item 10 – SCG conclusions on New Work Programme and mandates 2005/2006
Item 10 – SCG conclusion General – main paper Generally appreciated and going in the right direction Several questions, in particular inter-relation between some groups Written comments to authors of documents/mandates by 10 Nov Revised versions of all documents to be submitted to WD by 18 Nov
Issues with no drafted mandate Item 10 – SCG conclusion Issues with no drafted mandate Priority Substances: consider keeping EAF, important that mandate includes all aspects of Art. 16 incl. measures Flooding: establishment of EAF supported covering all aspects
Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2A mandate Fully supported Specific questions for clarifications on harmonisation and monitoring activity Eutrophication activity already agreed, existing mandate will be incorporated in WP 2005/2006 of this group
Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2B mandate - general Overall mandate for WG 2B supported but should be consistent with enclosed mandates of activities clarity should be improved in particular as regards role of WG in relation to activities Activities on CEA, key issues and research, PRB should be part of mandate Inclusion/link to water scarcity and agriculture needs to be further discussed Preparatory Group consisting of WGL, activity leaders and COM (ENV, JRC) should replace “Steering Group”
WG 2B mandate – Key issues and RTD Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2B mandate – Key issues and RTD Overall support Lessons learnt from int. river basin will be considered
Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2B mandate – PRBs New orientation of PRBs supported “own initiative activities” needs to be clarified, quality control to be ensured
WG 2B mandate – cost effectiveness Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2B mandate – cost effectiveness CEA is important to prepare the next steps for implementation of the WFD Even if CEA is an economic concern it is absolutely necessary to have in the group one third of each category of following actors: technician, decision makers, economists A adequate selection process to ensure the above is necessary, the revised mandate should include a first proposal A link should be made with environmental objectives, role and contribution of the CEA activity to derogation discussion should be further worked out
WG 2B mandate – cost effectiveness Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2B mandate – cost effectiveness The first task of the group is to find a common understanding of the concept of CEA, to define where and when CEA is necessary, to propose a level of ambition, to describe it in a practical way, and differentiating between basic and supplementary measures. A first pre-selection of key issues will be proposed by the DG to the validation of the WG2B, the SCG and WD at the beginning of 2005 Each key issue will be addressed in an Information sheet with a lot of examples to make sheet useful for RB practitioners
Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2C mandate Products and terminology (e.g. of “sub-groups”) should be clarified Aspects proposed for 2005 should be addressed in form of workshops and results should be summarised in joint report highlighting findings of these workshops Mandate should be reviewed following the agreement on GWD, no work started on 2006 before review
Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2D mandate Compliance checking DG should have following priorities; First priority, monitoring reporting to be finalised by end 2005 Second priority, RBMP reporting for all aspects Annex VII to be finalised by mid 2007 Overall, WG should focus on what should be in the summary report and what MS would provide on request Activity sheets 2 needs to be thoroughly reviewed, DG should prepare new mandate for agreement of WD in June 2005
Item 10 – SCG conclusion WG 2D – GIS activity Terminology should be clarified Tasks of GIS steered by WG 2D and focus on implementation of spatial data questions for the WISE development Further discussion on common datasets necessary, facilitation of data exchange
Item 10 – SCG conclusion Agriculture mandate Activity widely supported Need for involvement of AGRI community, presentation of Rural Director meeting First results in 2005 should provide input in preparation of Rural Development Plans Activity should cover all pressures from agriculture Links to all CIS activities in particular 2B and eutro
Chem. Monitoring mandate Item 10 – SCG conclusion Chem. Monitoring mandate General support, new activity in support of WGs GW and PS, one network of GW and SW experts Need for guidance should be reviewed, all tools should be explored incl. models Coastal and marine aspects should strengthened Identify additional tasks to aspects already covered in monitoring guidance
Chem. Monitoring mandate (2) Item 10 – SCG conclusion Chem. Monitoring mandate (2) Mandate should be reviewed in the light of outcome of negotiations on GWD and PSD Activity should not be agreed now but ad-hoc workshop on chem. monitoring experts and WG 2C and EAF/WG PS should discuss mandate in more detail Revised and consulted mandate should be presented to WD under LUX Presidency
Water scarcity mandate Item 10 – SCG conclusion Water scarcity mandate Activity supported but should be clarified whether it should be part of WG 2B or as part of EUWI/WFD joint initiative (other agenda item) CY will host next workshop in May 2005 Link to EUWI important, outside CIS experts should be able to participate IT joins Drafting Group Address crisis and risk management, link to climate change should be strengthened Scope should be clarified