ACTVs at Oregon State University An ACTV is a departmental use code for a transaction
What is an ACTV? An ACTVity is the FOAPAL element used to identify a departmental subgroup. Activity codes are not mandatory but can be used to capture additional levels of detail. Examples: Specific projects, field trips, faculty member startup funds. The 4 digit activity codes must be established in Banner before they can be used.
Activity Code Usage Activity codes are requested by and approved for a specific OSU department or unit. Only the original requesting unit may ask for termination or change of an activity code. Warnings: Activity codes are not connected (or limited) within Banner to the specific department or unit that requested the code. An activity code can be used with any Index even though they are assigned to a specific unit. Do not run reports on Activity only; always include either a Fund or ORG as well.
ACTV Validation Table - FTVACTV This form lists all Activity codes in the OSU chart. Information provided: Activity Code Activity Title Status (A = active) Effective and Termination Dates for posting to the Activity
Activity Code Activity codes follow a numbering convention: The first letter is unique to the college or unit the Activity code is assigned to: Axxx = College of Agriculture Fxxx = College of Forestry Jxxx = Information Services The last three characters are used at the discretion of the department: JHLP = (Information Services) Help Desk Project
Activity Title The Title gives the description of the expense or revenue to be recorded under that activity: HMBL = HHS - Motor Behavior Lab E6xx = ECH - Lesa/start up SGXT = SGO - Geology Field Trip
Activity Codes at Oregon State University END Activity Codes at Oregon State University