The Integration of the CMU Counselor-in-Residence Program into the CARE Process Presented by: Deanna Johnson, MA, LPC Andrea Lobert, MSW, LMSW
Learning Outcomes Participants will be able to: Examine the service delivery model of the CIR program and be able to differentiate it from their current approach. Understand the role of the Counselor-in-Residence program integrated with a CARE process and identify components of the program that may be beneficial to their home institution’s approach. Use the program as a model for constructing a similar service delivery model at their home institution.
History: What We Knew Then Residence Life aware of 13 suicide attempts in 1994/95 (Towers) ORL requested dedicated on-site mental health consultant Service delivery model develops 2004 article published outlining service delivery model Journal of College Counseling
History: What We Know Now Center for Collegiate Mental Health 2016 Annual Report
Consultation and Support Build consulting relationships 1:1 meet and greets with RA/MA staff members Review Incident Reports daily (ADVOCATE) Response path consultation with Residence Life staff Facilitate mental health training sessions Identification of potential problems Early intervention - referral Offer counseling to RA/MA staff
Crisis Intervention and Counseling Triage Incident Assessment (IA) Safety Situations Student Expectation Meeting (SEM) Advocate Report (Behaviorally Based) Behavior & Safety Plan (BSP) Safe Choices Meeting (SCM) Alcohol/Drug Medical Transports Resource Referral One-time Appointments (Referred + Connected to Resources)
Prevention Services Family Mailer Launch Project Targeting incoming on-campus housing students Launch Project Educational group targeting skills gap Support at Campus/Department Programs Campus and Community Life Orientation Training with Campus Partners Leadership Safari Impact
Case Study Student disclosed suicidal and homicidal thoughts to RA staff Residence Life process i.e. incident report, referral to CIR/IA, Behavior and Safety Plan (BSP) Residence Life elevated incident report to CARE report for additional review CARE team requested TAG consult (TAG chair sits on CARE team) TAG team advises or clears (back to CARE)
Partnerships across campus Regularly consulting, linking and coordinating Health Services Counseling Services (CC, PTCC, CCCD) Academic Advising, Success Coaches, Student Disability Services Athletics, Veterans Resource Center, SAPA, International Student Services CARE reports increase partnership with students’ supports (i.e. family, friends, roommates)
Obstacles and Challenges Traditional Service Delivery Model Student view of “Counselor” Informed consent – clearly defined process (GC) Hiring CIR’s Future vision
Your Experience Who provides mental health consultation services to residence life? Who is responsible for “assessing” students of concern and managing the response path? Do you think a CIR program could be beneficial at your institution?
Citations Center for Collegiate Mental Health. (2017, January). 2016 Annual Report (Publication No. STA 17-74). Education Advisory Board Student Affairs Forum. (2013). Responding to Students of Concern: Best Practices for Behavioral Intervention Teams. Washington DC: Education Advisory Board. Murphy, S. (2017). The changing careers of student affairs officers. Retrieved from New, J. (2017). Colleges struggle to provide ongoing treatment as demands for mental health services increases. Retrieved from treatment-demands-mental-health-services-increases Rawls, D. T., Johnson, D., & Bartels, E. (2004). The Counselor-in-Residence Program: Reconfiguring Support Services for a New Millennium. Journal of College Counseling, 7, 162- 170.