Upload 9.22 Peripheral System Notes To eBackpack
Learning Target: Name the structures of the PNS. (K)
The Peripheral Nervous System Definition: The nerves that lead into or outward from the brain and spinal cord Function: Connects the CNS to skeletal muscles to oversee conscious activities Connects the CNS to viscera (heart, stomach, etc.) to control unconscious activities
I Smell VII Expression and Taste II Vision IX Tongue and pharynx III, IV, VI Eye movement XI Soft palate, larynx V Sensation in Face XII Tongue VIII Hearing and balance X Speech and swallowing
Head, Neck, Arms Thoracic organs, Upper abdominal organs Pelvic organs, Bladder Buttocks, Hips, Rectum Lower back, Legs, Lower abdomen Skin on back of coccyx
Learning Target: Compare and contrast the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. (R)
Watch “Pushing the Limits”- Brain Power (1st segment) What type of nervous system response is demonstrated? List biological mechanisms triggered by the firefighters response. After watching write about a personal experience. (Google Doc shared with you.) Use the flow chart to assist you.