Momentum Through Chancellor’s Learning Scholars and Communities Jeffery Galle, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Faculty Development
Georgia’s Investment in Student Success Slides 2-6, successive images of some (not all) of Georgia’s major higher ed initiatives
Georgia’s Investment in Student Success
Georgia’s Investment in Student Success
Georgia’s Investment in Student Success
Georgia’s Investment in Student Success
All USG institutions share . . . Retention, Progression, Graduation Deepening learning Affordability: ALG Faculty, through course enrichment, can support every effort!
Course Enrichment? The CLS pedagogies: Mindset strategies Inclusive pedagogy Interactive lectures/Small teaching Integrated design Explored either singly or as a blend
Through faculty conversations Conversations in which venue? Summer Institute? Teaching and Learning Conference? Or possibly, identify a scalable faculty development structure within institutions.
Not a lecture: rather,‘lively small’ Small faculty groups Teaching Circles, Reading Groups, Writing Tables, or, Learning Communities
The USG flipped model Establish communities at each institution At a sustainable number Each led by a faculty leader from the institution: Chancellor’s Learning Scholar Supported by USG CTL expertise Focused on course enrichment through faculty conversations
Timeline: Chancellor’s Learning Scholars Selected as faculty recognized for teaching excellence, who lead by consensus, and enjoy working with other faculty Participate in Macon workshops Reflect/refine topic of spring community Form the community—colleagues, common projects, committees, conversations Plan the spring calendar of meetings Facilitate spring meetings, submit products
Possible course products A newly-designed course, or parts of a course Activities in class: maximizing minutes Outside of class: experiential learning HIPs programs Student work: assignments, projects Assessments Reflection on teaching and learning
Another USG Innovation Begins
My journey: ‘enthusiastic telling’ to . . . Literary Criticism Interactive Student facilitation; paired problem-solving; think-pair share; research presentations in small groups Inclusive Incorporating Cultural Criticism across the historical spectrum; LGBT school; Queer Studies; European criticism Integrated Design Research project in which students apply their blend of critical perspective on a newly-published short without any critical history: Student as Critic Mindset Strategies Conferencing on successive drafts; ‘Minute Papers’ My historical default: Enthusiastic telling relying on the magic of the content
Intended outcomes Networking/sharing of pedagogy, strategies, assignments across each institution A course product repository in D2L eCampus Leadership Development of pedagogical expertise for a larger number of faculty Courses enriched Pushing the needle of student success through new learning experiences
From lecture
To . . .
Refine, decide upon the community pedagogy in dialogue with colleagues Next steps Refine, decide upon the community pedagogy in dialogue with colleagues Confirm membership of community Tentative focus of 6 or more meetings Stay in touch on listserv
Recruitment—committees, colleagues, previous conversation Next steps Recruitment—committees, colleagues, previous conversation A brief application, expression of interest November check-in conversations with us Stay in touch on listserv
Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Faculty Development Thank you Jeffery Galle, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Faculty Development
Deleted slides, data
By the numbers . . . FT Instructional faculty: 10, 559 Temporary: 477 PT Instructional faculty: 4,283 Grad Teaching Assts: 1,303 Any system effort for faculty faces a challenge of scale & opportunity of impact.
The Basis: Evidence-based Practices High Impact Practices Central disciplinary pedagogies: PBL, RTTP, CBL, INQ Active learning strategies Experiential learning strategies Teaching/Lng with technology
Fast forward Institutions nominated at least 4 faculty. Each invited to apply. Confirmed for a two-year appointment and recognized as Chancellor’s Learning Scholars [Chancellor Wrigley] USG OFD established topics Directors of CTLs have created content for each topic CTL Retreat provided the venue
Course enrichment by type of product Activities in class: active learning Assignments Revised course goals Course assessments Reflection on teaching and learning New teaching statement
A three-year cycle Year 1: 4 CLS x 26 = 104 communities Year 2: 208 communities Year 3: 104 communities Between 40-50% of full-time faculty could then participate in three years.