Ink and Watercolor Creatures
Line-leading lines or compositional lines Color, color schemes, color contrast 3. Value & Lighting Cropping 5. Balance- visual –
Directions Choose your subject matter. Ideas include colorful insects, butterflies, birds, flowers, candy, sea-life with flowing fins or tentacles. Using a sketchbook, draw at least one rough sketch of your design. Start with a light contour line for the outside border. 3.5" (8.9 cm) from each side of the paper, draw a rectangle. Use the Rule of Thirds to place your focal point. Expand your design beyond the rectangle to the outside border of the paper.
Directions 3. When done with a sketch you're happy with, have your design approved by the teacher. Once approved, begin drawing it on the Watercolor paper. 4. Start out drawing the final version of your draft by making sure your rectangle is 3 1/2" (8.9 cm) in from each side of the paper.
Directions 5. Lightly draw your main subject matter. 6. Don't fill your paper outside the rectangle with the background. Only extend parts of the background in ink to the edge of the page. 7. Paint the main subject of your picture with watercolors both inside and outside the rectangle. Only the colored part of the background should appear inside the rectangle
Directions 8. Use India Ink to apply the contour lines and shading (using cross-hatching or something similar) on top of the watercolor portion when it's dried. Do the same beyond the border of the rectangle but do not add color. This part will only be black and white.
Assessment Students illustrated continuity throughout the picture both inside and outside the rectangle. The picture shows a unified composition throughout the picture. Students successfully created an area of the picture that shows emphasis by using color. Students used both positive and negative space well.