Top 10 Manager Challenges Part 1 -- Conflict
Top 10 things that make managers crazy Firing people Disciplining people Showdown with the boss Being caught in the middle Peer conflicts Constant Change Baby-sitting Overload Red Tape – Needless Administration Personal fulfillment
Agenda The first 5 – All forms of conflict What are they and why What to do about them 3 things to remember
Firing People Only the perverse enjoy this part of the job Have a solid paper trail. If you don’t have one – postpone the firing until you do* Get good advice – HR or legal Make the meeting short and to the point Never fire someone in anger or on the spot Do not put this off because it’s uncomfortable
Employee Discipline Have a process Document every meeting Formal or informal Written or verbal Make consequences clear in advance of disciplinary action Have all the information at your disposal Have a witness – preferably someone from HR or legal
Showdown with the Boss Insist on dealing with it in private Never bad-mouth the boss Consider whether s/he has a point Don’t make idle threats Reinforce that s/he is the boss, and you will ultimately do as they ask* Choose your battles carefully Move to resolution, not to perpetuate conflict
Being Caught in the Middle Tow the party line – even when you don’t agree Explain the rationale as best you understand it Do not blame by pointing up the hierarchy Where appropriate act as a facilitator for a more favourable outcome Be very clear with your people as to what is negotiable and what is not
Peer Conflicts Determine how important a peer relationship is to you, your department and your ability to be successful Figure out what they need/want from you Help them understand what you need/want from them, and why it is important Escalate the problem only as a last resort
3 Things to Remember The ability to manage conflict at all levels is a core management skill You need to do your homework, and have your documentation prior to any action potentially involving conflict You cannot put this off. It is not pleasant, but you have to do it.