Diversifying the Workforce Bev Seay May 30, 2018
Bev’s Themes of Workforce Diversity Competence Confidence Cognizance Collaboration Include history on how these developed
Diversity Demands Adaptability Theme 1: Competence To Diversify Individuals and the Workforce: Pursue interdisciplinary education options Develop areas of expertise to gain new insights Identify skill gaps and close them Integrated teams yield the big picture Learn about various industries Notice trends Experiment and take calculated risks Seek mentorship and also be a mentor Recognize and overcome bias Education Computer Engineering vs. Computer Science Georgia Tech CS+X Commercial SW Engineer Defense Corporate Exec Diversity Demands Adaptability
Diversity Yields Innovation Theme 2: Confidence To Diversify Individuals and the Workforce: Be willing to do what others won’t Take stretch assignments Find subject matter experts Move forward despite uncertainty Demonstrate tenacity & push ahead Advisors and mentors are rare if you are a pioneer Volunteer to lead Peers can be a great source of information Project Management – budget / schedule / documentation, etc. CCTT / IBM – stretch assignments Applying for Annual Awards Program - SMEs Volunteer Governor Bush / IT Florida - volunteer Network Orlando Community / mentors & peers Diversity Yields Innovation
Diversity Drives Awareness Theme 3: Cognizance To Diversify Individuals and the Workforce: Cultivate awareness: Yourself Your team Your workforce Your customer See challenges from other perspectives Acknowledge the roles and priorities of others Recognize interdependencies Know your customers - internal and external Self-awareness/Strengthsfinder, KOLBE, Myers-Briggs, my key challenge UCF has MyPlan Workforce awareness: Diversity, my leadership program and women’s network pilots Customer awareness: understanding needs, tell my R&D stories Diversity Drives Awareness
Diversity Becomes Differentiation Theme 4: Collaboration To Diversify Individuals and the Workforce: Build relationships Understand what you want Learn what others want Collaboration yields stronger results Negotiation is a key skill Be an adaptable team player and adjust to win Navigate politics Metrics drive behavior Make the business case Build relationships – The need to manage up (my challenges) Navigate politics – The SAIC Fiefdom Model Create business case – Expanding modeling and simulation into other markets Diversity Becomes Differentiation
Bev’s Themes of Workforce Diversity Diversity demands adaptability Diversity yields innovation Diversity drives awareness Diversity becomes differentiation Include history on how these developed
Bev@bjseay.com Closing Slide