Distributed Crossbar Schedulers Cyriel Minkenberg1, Francois Abel1, Enrico Schiattarella2 1 IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory 2 Dipartimento di Elettronica, Politecnico di Torino
Outline OSMOSIS overview Challenges in the OSMOSIS scheduler design Basics of crossbar scheduling Distributed scheduler Architecture Problems Solutions Results Implementation
(bipartite graph matching algorithm) OSMOSIS Overview All-optical Switch 64 Ingress Adapters 64 Egress Adapters 8 Broadcast Units 8x1 1x8 Com- biner 128 Select Units VOQs Tx control EQ control 2 Rx all-optical packet transfer 5 Optical Amplifier WDM Mux Star Coupler 8x1 1x128 1 1 4b SOA switch command Fast SOA 1x8 Fiber Selector Gates Fast SOA 1x8 Wavelength Selector Gates 1 EQ control 2 Rx VOQs 1 Tx packet waiting 1 control 8 128 64 64 control links central scheduler (BGM) 3 central scheduler (bipartite graph matching algorithm) request 2 grant 4a 64 ports @ 40 Gb/s, 256-byte cells => 51.2 ns time slot Broadcast-and-select architecture (crossbar) Combination of wavelength- and space-division multiplexing Fast switching based on SOAs Electronic input and output adapters, electronic arbitration
Architectural Scheduler Challenges Latency < 1 ls Pr: Long permission latency (RTT + scheduling) So: Speculation Multicast support Pr: Fair integration with unicast scheduling, control channel overhead So: Independent schedulers with filter, merge & feedback scheme Scheduling rate = cell rate Pr: Produce one high quality matching every 51.2 ns So: Deeply pipelined matching with parallel sub-schedulers (FLPPR) FPGA-only scheduler implementation Pr: Does a 64-port scheduler fit in one FPGA device? If not, how do we distribute it over multiple devices while maintaining an acceptable level of performance?
Crossbar Scheduling: Bipartite Graph Matching inputs outputs maximal, size=3 request matrix inputs outputs inputs outputs maximal, size=2 inputs outputs maximum, size=4 A crossbar is a non-blocking fabric that can transfer cells from any input to any output with the following constraints: At most one cell from any input At most one cell to any output Equivalent to Bipartite Graph Matching (BGM)
Pointer-based Parallel Iterative Matching One matching must be computed in every time slot, so we need fast and simple algorithms Suitable class of algorithms is parallel, iterative, and based on round-robin pointers i-SLIP (McKeown), DRRM (Chao) These algorithms have a number of desirable features: 100% throughput under uniform i.i.d. traffic Starvation-free: any VOQ is served within finite time under any traffic pattern Iterative: sequential improvement of the matching by repeating steps Amenable to fast hardware implementation; high degree of parallelism and symmetry
DRRM Operation VOQ state input selectors output selectors Step 0: Initially, all inputs and outputs are unmatched Step 1: Each unmatched input requests the first unmatched output in round-robin order for which it has a packet, starting from pointer R[i]. R[i] (R[i] + 1) modulo N iff the request is granted in Step 2 of the first iteration Step 2: Each output grants the first input in round-robin order that has requested it, starting from pointer G[o]. G[o] (G[o] + 1) modulo N Iterate: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until no more edges can be added or a fixed number of iterations are completed Key to good performance is pointer desynchronization If all VOQs are non-empty, pointers eventually all point to different outputs No conflicts: maximum performance IS[1] OS[1] IS[2] OS[2] IS[3] OS[3] IS[4] OS[4]
Distribution Issues Problem: Scheduler does not fit in a single device due to area constraints Quadratic complexity growth of priority encoders Monolithic implementation (implicit temporal and spatial assumptions) All results are available before the next time slot (or iteration) All required information is available to all selectors Distributed implementation breaks these assumptions Main problem: input selector issues a request at t0 and receives result (granted or not) at t0 + RTT Input selector does not know results of requests issued during last RTT Selectors are only aware of local status info (e.g. matches made in previous iterations) The time required for information to travel from the inputs to the outputs and back is called round-trip time (RTT) = RTT / (cell duration) input status update and selection IS[1] IS[N] request RTT RTT >> cell duration grant OS[1] OS[N] output selection and status update time
Coping with Uncertainty (1) Problem: Uncertainty in the algorithm’s status The pointer-update mechanism breaks No desynchronization Throughput loss Solution: Maintain a separate pointer set for each time slot in the RTT Basic idea: No pointer is reused before the last result is available Each input (output) selector maintains distinct request (grant) pointers, labeled R[ t ] and G[ t ], with t [0, -1] At time slot t the input selectors use set R[t mod ] to generate requests; each request carries the ID of pointer set used Output selectors generate grants using G[ t ] in response to requests from R[ t ] Each pointer set is updated independently from the others, so they all desynchronize independently. Therefore, all the good features DRRM are preserved Pointer sets are only updated once every RTT, hence they take longer to desynchronize
Coping with Uncertainty (2) Problem: Uncertainty in the algorithm’s status The VOQ-state update mechanism breaks How many requests were successful? Excess requests may lead to “wasted” grants, leading to reduced performance Solution: Maintain a pending request counter for every VOQ P(i,j) tracks the number of requests issued for VOQ(i,j) over the last RTT Increment when issuing new request Decrement when result arrives Filter requests: if P(i,j) exceeds the number of unserved cells in VOQ(i,j) do not submit further requests This massively reduces the number of wasted grants
Multi-pointer Approach (RTT = 4) Hardware cost ( -1) additional pointers at each input/output, each log2N bits wide N2 pending request counters N -to-1 multiplexers Selection logic is not duplicated pending request counters VOQ state 1 1 2 1 R[t0;1] G[t0;1] R[t1;1] IS[1] OS[1] G[t1;1] R[t2;1] G[t2;1] R[t3;1] G[t3;1] IS[2] OS[2] request pointer set grant pointer set R[t3;2] R[t2;2] R[t1;2] R[t0;2] R[t3;2] R[t2;2] R[t1;2] G[t0;2] IS[3] OS[3] R[t3;2] R[t2;2] R[t1;2] R[t0;3] R[t3;2] R[t2;2] R[t1;2] G[t0;3] R[t3;2] R[t2;2] R[t1;2] R[t0;4] IS[4] OS[4] R[t3;2] R[t2;2] R[t1;2] G[t0;4] request pointers input selectors output selectors grant pointers
Multiple Iterations Additional uncertainty: Which inputs/outputs have been matched in previous iterations? Inputs should not request outputs that are already taken: Wasted requests Outputs should not grant inputs that are already taken: Violation of one-to-one matching property Because of issue 2 above, the output selectors must be aware of all grants in previous iterations, also by other selectors Implement all output selectors in one device Input selectors use a request flywheel pointer to create request diversity across multiple iterations PRC filtering applies only to first iteration Can lead to “premature” grants
Distributed Scheduler Architecture VOQ state input selectors output selectors switch command channels IS[1] OS[1] control channel IS[2] OS[2] control channel Control channel interfaces (each on a separate card) Allocators (on midplane) IS[3] OS[3] control channel IS[4] OS[4] control channel
Performance Characteristics (16 ports)
Optical Switch Controller Module (OSCM) Midplane (OSCB; prototype shown here) with 40 daughter boards (OSCI; top right). Board layout (bottom right)
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