Joint Doctrine Planning Conference Joint Doctrine Library Reset Brief George Katsos Joint Staff, J7, JDD 23 MAY 18
Agenda Overview Strategic Approach Methodology Refinement Categories Hierarchy Efforts Summary
Overview Issue DJ7 Guidance Background Way Ahead Assessment In order to ensure the joint library remains focused on the strategic and operational success of the Joint Force Commander and deliver joint doctrine in a timely manner, the Joint Doctrine Development Process (JDDP) must be refined to make certain the joint library is relevant, current and manageable within the limitations of available resources. DJ7 Guidance Joint doctrine will become more adaptive and flexible to meet joint force demands in support of the National Security Strategy, National Defense Strategy, and National Military Strategy Engagement with JDPC stakeholders (JDDC, JSDS’, LA’s, TRA’s, Services) Outreach to authors, sponsors, review authorities, and other doctrine organizations Background Re-engineer the JDDP based off guidance from DJ-7 and recommendations from the JDDC Codify methodology to “right-size” the joint library Initiated Reset of JP 2-0 Series Conduct Special Studies ISO hierarchy reset Work with JDDC (CCMDs, Svc’s) to improve program Nominated JPs for removal: 3-04 to USN, 4-06 to Keystone; 1-05 to Keystone and JDIR/JSS product Way Ahead Assessment Optimize efficiency while adjusting to personnel and fiscal reductions Ensure the library provides strategic guidance to enable operational success and does not mire itself in the tactical Offer alternatives for current JPs that would be better served as an alternate product Fully implement identified refinements in CJCSI 5120
Strategic Approach To do this Joint Doctrine must be: Assess Central Idea The Joint Staff, as part of the joint doctrine development community, provides an adaptive joint doctrine development process that is timely, agile, and responsive to the needs of the joint force. Executed through: Governed by: CJCSI 5120.01 CJCSM 5120.01 CJCSI 5705.01 CJCSI 2700.01 In coordination with: CCMDs Services CSAs Interagency Joint Force Development Allied Doctrine Campaign Plan By means of Strategic Guidance National Security Strategy National Military Strategy Unified Command Plan Capstone Concept for Joint Operations Joint Operating Environment To support CJCS Enhance the operational effectiveness of joint forces by providing fundamental principles that guide the employment of US military forces toward a common objective. Joint Doctrine must Conditions Dynamic threat environment Transregional Multi-domain, Multi-functional (TMM) Changing audience Declining resources To address Strategic Engagement CCMDs JFD Directors Interagency Other Stakeholders Requires Adaptive to Priorities CJCS Priorities/NMS/4+1 CCMD Input Campaign Plans OPLANs JFD Input Adaptive Process Revise policy One draft Reduce number of JPs Revise/change/maintain/fast track Adaptive Product Tailored to the need of customer Tiered Hierarchy Appropriate content Appropriate reviews Appropriate assessments Technical/electronic alternatives To do this Joint Doctrine must be: Assess (Integration Assessment & Feedback Assess for doctrinal trends CCMD Exercises/OPLANS/LL Receive Feedback CCMDs/Services/CSAs/ J-7 Functions/JS Informs Priorities and Product
are driven by procedures Based recommendations Methodology JP Foundation Provides the fundamental strategic/operational context and principles by which military forces, or elements thereof, guide their actions in support of national objectives Provides authoritative guidance at the strategic and operational level to support the efforts of the Joint Force Commander (JFC) and/or their staff Harmonizes with policy by describing authorized command relationships and authority required by JFCs/staff for effective application of US military power and other operational matters Provides the foundation for building a joint culture and a basis for joint training Provides guidance for unified action in the employment of US military power for joint forces to accomplish strategic and operational military objectives in support of national strategic objectives Contributes to the JFC’s/staff’s ability to plan, conduct, and assess operations Informs allied and multinational joint doctrine Provides instructional material for joint professional military education Supports primacy, harmonization, and alignment with appropriate JPs Changes to the Library are driven by procedures outlined in the CJCSI 5120 Based recommendations the following may occur: Status quo Consolidate Transition Transfer Cancel
Joint Doctrine Library Refinement Categories Joint Doctrine Library Product (CJCSI 5120) Non-5120 Products Consolidation Reorganize materiel into targeted JP Staff new Program Directive New scope statement In stride with ongoing revisions Terms and UJTs moved to keystone Determine LA/JSDS and designate TRA’s As required, change classified materiel from JP to appendix Once material is consolidated and new JP is promulgated, the legacy JP is cancelled Transition change JP to JDIR/JSS Joint Guide (CJCSI 5701) Guidance is authoritative IAW CJCSI 5701 Owned and maintained by JDIR/JSS Content determined by sponsor Reflects extant capabilities Addresses a focused topic Signed by JDIR/JSS Reduced level of effort for JDDC Revised on an “as required” bases by JDIR/JSS Posted to JEL Once JG is published, the legacy JP is cancelled Transfer change JP to SVC product Terms and UJTs moved to keystone or other JP Owned and maintained by SVC under own authority Cancellation JPs that do not meet the foundational criteria may be cancelled
Hierarchy Efforts JP 1-0 Series JP 2-0 Series JP 1-04 Legal JP 1-06 Finance JP 2-01 Intel Sp consolidate with keystone JP 2-01.2 CI/HI modify as classfd keystone appndx JP 2-01.3 JIPOE transfer to alternate product – guide JP 2-03 GEO consolidate with keystone JP 3-0 Series JP 3-03 Special Study JP 3-09 Special Study JP 3-09.3 Special Study JP 3-07.2 Consolidate CT and AT JP 3-30 Special Study JP 3-31 Special Study JP 3-32 Special Study JP 3-26 Consolidate CT and AT JP 4-0 Series JP 6-0 Series JP 4-06 Mort Affairs JP 4-08 MultiLog Special Study JP 6-01 JEMSMO incorporated into new JP X-XX JEMSO JP and consolidate with keystone Orange = under consideration Green = in progress (Other Special Studies are planned)
Summary Mid-year changes to be reflected in updated development and assessment schedule Developing adaptive joint doctrine for the employment of today’s joint force is not a perfect process, but is: Informed by strategic guidance and priorities Responsive to globally integrated operations and exercises Refined through iterative assessment and feedback processes The joint doctrine library reset is on track to: Reflect a portfolio that is lean and “right size” Appropriately linked to joint warfighting functions Manageable within manpower and fiscal limitations Adapt more efficiently the real time changes needed with minimal trickle down effects
Joint Doctrine Development Questions?
Back-Up Slides
Joint Doctrine Library Product (CJCSI 5120) - Consolidation Refinement Categories – 2 of 3 Joint Doctrine Library Product (CJCSI 5120) - Consolidation Reorganize materiel into targeted JP Staff new Program Directive New scope statement In stride with ongoing revisions Terms and UJTLs moved to keystone Determine LA/JSDS and designate TRA’s group together into single JP as sections for future revision Former LA/JSDS become TRA’s New cover and intro Provide approved JPs into new document Don’t stop revision processes As required, change classified materiel from JP to appendix move existing JP text into keystone or other JP and remove JP from library Terms and UJTLs moved to keystone Once material is consolidated and new JP is promulgated, the legacy JP is cancelled
Non-5120 Products – Removal/Content Relocated Refinement Categories – 3 of 3 Non-5120 Products – Removal/Content Relocated Transition change JP to JDIR/JSS Joint Guide (CJCSI 5701) Guidance is authoritative IAW CJCSI 5701 Owned and maintained by JDIR/JSS Content determined by sponsor Reflects extant capabilities Addresses a focused topic Signed by JDIR/JSS Reduced level of effort for JDDC Revised on an “as required” bases by JDIR/JSS Posted to JEL Once JG is published, the legacy JP is cancelled Transfer change JP to SVC product Terms and UJTLs moved to keystone or other JP Owned and maintained by SVC under own authority Cancellation JPs that do not meet the foundational criteria may be cancelled