L.O. To identify people who are special to me TLN Identity Pack L4
Think back to what we read in Skin Again and the idea that a person’s identity is more than what is seen on the outside. People are made up of stories and their interactions with people they meet. In small groups, share stories about people who are special to you. You can tell your story using any objects or photographs that you might have brought in for homework.
I AM MARK BEAUMONT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhyNHkn24w I am my mother Una and my sisters Heather and Hannah I am my grandfather who gave me my bike on Christmas. And the neighbour who took the stabilisers off. I am my friend Bobby who helped me with my training. And the school kids from Dundee who raised money for my trip. I am the woman who knocked me off my bike in Louisiana And her son who fixed it. I am the people of the Nalabar who gave me water when I needed it most. I am Mark Beaumont and this year I broke the round the world cycling record I am who I am because of everyone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFhyNHkn24w
Spend 1 minute reflecting on what you have seen in the video clip Spend 1 minute reflecting on what you have seen in the video clip. You can write down anything you think of in this time or share ideas with a partner.
Can you explain what the advert is about? Can we list any of the people mentioned in the advert? Why do you think he mentions these people?
The man in the video is referring to people in his life whom he shares stories with. He is talking about the people that are special to him and he feels make up the story of who he is. Our stories make up our history. Think about someone special to you; what is it that makes them special?
You can think of more than one special person if you want to! Think about someone who is special to you: What is it that makes this person special? What qualities does this person have? What stories do you share with this person? Why do you think this person has had an impact on you? You can think of more than one special person if you want to!
I AM …… I am my ……..who……………….. I am my…………….who ……………… I am my…………..who…………………… I am my………….who……………………. I am who I am because of everyone Let’s look at someone else’s work to give us some ideas for our own ‘I am…’ statements.
MEET GEORGE I am my mum’s smile I am my cousin who gave me the idea of rollerblading I am all my friends who push me the extra mile I am the last words my grandma said I am the break dancer that performs on the street I am the tennis ball and racket used by Andy Murray I am who I am because of everyone
L.O. To write my own ‘I am…’ statements Think about a person in your life who is special to you. Write an ’I am…’ statement about this person. Repeat until you have written 5 or 6 different ‘I am…’ statements. I am my ……..who……………….. I am my…………….who ……………… I am my…………..who…………………… I am my………….who……………………. I am who I am because of everyone.
Listen out for any similarities or differences Pick one of your “I am…” statements to share with the rest of the class. Listen out for any similarities or differences
Did you think of anyone who has had a negative impact on your identity Did you think of anyone who has had a negative impact on your identity? Why did they have a negative impact?
Your homework for next lesson is to find out about your name Your homework for next lesson is to find out about your name. You can either ask questions ay home to find out more or research on the internet. Questions you could find the answer to: Who gave you your name? Do you know what your name means? Did you have a naming ceremony? Are you known by any other name, i.e. a ‘nickname’?