The Counter/Catholic Reformation What was it? 3 Effects/results- Did it slow the Protestant “rift?”
Pope Paul III Wanted to end the Protestant rift and corruption within the Church
Council of Trent Called together by Pope Paul III
Council of Trent Concerning Protestants: Reaffirmed that salvation was gained through faith and good works The Bible is a major source of religious truth but not the only source
Council of Trent Concerning corruption: Created stiff penalties for corruption of clergy Established better schools to educate clergy
Inquisition The church court set up during the middle ages Was strengthened by Pope Paul III
Jesuits Catholic organization recognized by Pope Paul III Set up to Combat heresy Spread the Catholic Faith
Jesuits Spread the faith into Africa, Asia and America Sometimes went undercover into Protestant lands to minister the needs of Catholics Can you name some Jesuit institutions now?
Loyola Georgetown Boston College St. louis University Xavier U.
The Counter/Catholic Reformation Did slow the Protestant rift but didn’t stop it
Meanwhile… Catholics and Protestants are still killing each other in small wars and mobs
Witches Ten of thousands of people are killed They are believed to be agents of terror Usually outcasts Used as scapegoats
Jews Are still pressured to convert by Catholics and Protestants Some are forced to live in ghettos Ghetto: separate section of a city where members of a minority group are forced to live
Martin Luther Wanted all Jews to be expelled from Christian lands Some Jews were forced to leave Others were forced to wear yellow badges
Holy Roman Empire Refused to allow Jews to settle in the Americas