Economy of Abundance America in the 1950s
Increasing Income Income triples in the U.S. Disposable Income increases Purchase new consumer goods Marketing/ Advertising helps sales Marketing is fastest growing industry & Manufacturers use more marketing techniques The majority of this marketing was geared toward the individuals that lived in the new suburbs because of their growing income.
Suburbs Mass-produced Inexpensive, single-family Incentives Tax deductions Levittown (NY) Smithsonian Suburban population doubles while the cities only rise by 10 percent….Have students discuss this with the census information from last week. Single-family homes grow from 41 to 61% between 1940-1960
By 1956 more white collar workers than blue collar workers. Employment Changes By 1956 more white collar workers than blue collar workers. Most people work for large corporations Franchises become popular…individual ownership but with part of a larger chain What do you think white collar means? Blue Collar? Also, a pink collar…what do you think that represents?
Family 1945-1961 65 million babies were born….Baby Boom! Why? -GI bill (home ownership) -War -Culture that celebrates families
Rise of Mass Media 1946: 8,000 TV sets sold 1957: 40 million sets sold The $64,000 Question The Lone Ranger I Love Lucy Radio- new role…cars & advertising Movies- new screen…Cinemascope draws in audiences TV- 80% of Americans had atleast 1 TV in their home by 1957…part of the deal with some homes… Radio- new audiences in cars (commuters) They would also promote different shows, advertising! Movies- lost numbers in droves after TV…tried everything but nothing brought the crowds back until the large panaoramic screens
The Generation Gap Rock n’ Roll Celebrate with loud music with a heavy beat for dancing Elvis Nat King Cole The Beat Movement Critics of1950’s culture rebellion The Gap between the adults and children…cultural differences Johnny Carson show would not show Elvis at first because of issues with the hip thrusts not being family friendly. He went to another show, Johnny lost numbers and then had Elvis on without showing his hips! Diversity on the TV was lacking…Nat king Cole had a variety show but iit was cancelled after 2 years because no national sponsors would take the show. There were many AA musicians at this time…Chuck berry, Ray Charles, Little Richard, and groups like the Shirelles, and the Ronettes.