What will you do to prepare for your final exam? Bellwork 6/1 Happy June!! What do you still need to hand in to finish Weather & Climate on a strong foot? What will you do to prepare for your final exam?
Weather & Climate Final Tuesday June 5th at 12:30 Door locks promptly, don’t be late! Format is similar to unit tests Multiple choice, Diagram labeling, Mini-essays **Any work that you want in the gradebook needs to be turned in to me by the end of class today. Check Infinite Campus, use your class time wisely!**
Today: “What should I be working on?” Check Infinite Campus Work on missing assignments Look over old tests Review guide Practice Questions in Powerpoint format (posted on my website)
In-class review: Grab a whiteboard, marker, and eraser
UNIT 1: The Oceans
Which type of seafloor sediment is formed from remains of living material? Biogenous
Over the past 2 decades (at least) what has been happening to ocean water with regard to pH & CO2? Carbon Dioxide has been increasing, therefore pH has been decreasing (becoming more acidic).
________ is the total amount of solid material dissolved in water. Salinity
Name 2 processes that INCREASE seawater salinity Sea Ice formation Evaporation Run-off from land
Freshwater floating on top of salt water. A river empties fresh water into an ocean basin at a delta. Explain how the fresh and salt water would be layered in the water column. Freshwater floating on top of salt water.
A circular- moving current systems that dominate the surfaces of oceans are called __________. Gyre
Are mermaids real?
UNIT 2: The Atmosphere
In which atmospheric layer do most weather phenomena occur? Troposphere
In which layers does temperature increase with increasing altitude? Stratosphere Thermosphere
List 2 variable components of the atmosphere. Water Vapor Aerosols Ozone
__________ describes radiation that strikes a surface and bounces off at the same angle and with the same magnitude with which it entered. Reflection
Which day will be warmer? Compare the surface temperatures on a July night with cloud cover and July night without cloud cover. Which day will be warmer? The night with clouds.
Which hemisphere has greater temperature variation? Northern! It’s the land hemisphere.
UNIT 3: Moisture, Precipitation and Clouds
A parcel of air has a temperature of 20⁰C and has a 50% relative humidity. How many g/kg of water vapor are in this parcel? 7g/kg
A parcel of air has a temperature of 5⁰C and has 2 A parcel of air has a temperature of 5⁰C and has 2.5g/kg of water vapor. What is the parcel’s relative humidity? 50%
Will this parcel of air sink or rise? A parcel of air is cooling at 10 ⁰C/1000m. The environmental lapse rate is 6 ⁰C /1000m. Will this parcel of air sink or rise? Sink! Parcel is always colder than the environment
A parcel of air has a dry adiabatic rate of 10 ⁰C /1000m and the environmental lapse rate is 12 ⁰C/1000m Rise! Always warmer than its environment!
If a parcel of air is at its “dew point”, what does that mean? Water vapor is condensing
Which type precipitation formation process occurs at the tropics? Collision-Coalescence (not cold enough for the Bergeron Process)
UNIT 4: Wind & Severe Storms
Regarding factors that affect wind, describe what the Pressure Gradient force is. Wind moves from areas of high pressure to low pressure.
Which location will have the fastest wind speeds? B A B
Because of ______________, winds are deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere. Coriolis Effect
What kind of pressure zone is associated with an anticylcone? High Pressure
Are surface winds associated with anticylcones converging or diverging?
What kind of weather is associated with an anticylcone? Fair weather
True or false: A cold front moves faster than a warm front?
Which type of front is associated with the most intense weather during a mid-latitude cyclone? Occluded! When the cold front catches up to the warm front
What type of weather is associated with a cold front? Precipitation with great intensity but short duration
Thunderstorms occur in which types of clouds? Cumulonimbus
Unit 5: Climate
How are weather and climate different? Weather is day-to-day atmospheric conditions Climate is based on long-term average weather trends
Temperature & Precipitation The Köppen Classification system uses average __________ & ____________ to determine climate type. Temperature & Precipitation
Using the Classification chart on page 528 of your text, determine the climate of Iquitos, Peru. Af
Using the Classification chart on page 528 of your text, determine the climate of Capetown, South Africa. Cs
Is the dry season of Normanton, Australia in their summer or winter months?
Solar Radiation & Composition of the Atmosphere The two main factors that affect Earth’s long-term climate change are _____________ & ______________. Solar Radiation & Composition of the Atmosphere
True or False: Atmospheric composition, namely the CO2 level, has changed due to human influences.
The action of humans adjusting their lifestyle to better survive in a warming world is called _______. Adaptation