Greek and Latin Roots Week 3
cracy Meaning: government; rule; strength Examples: plutocracy Society ruled by the wealthy theocracy Government by priests
cred Meaning: believe; trust Examples: credo incredulous Statement of belief or principle; creed incredulous Skeptical; doubtful
Word Associations Which word goes with doubt? Which word goes with “a religious society”? Which word goes with “a wealthy society”? Which word goes with a true statement?
cre Meaning: rise; grow Examples: crescendo increment In music, a gradual increase in the volume or intensity of sound increment Something added; process of increasing
cour/cur Meaning: run; course Examples: concurrence courier Agreement in opinion; simultaneous occurrence courier A messenger
Word Associations Which word goes with delivery? Which word goes with addition? Which word goes with sound? Which word goes with “an agreement”?
cura Meaning: care Examples: curator curette Someone who oversees a museum collection curette Surgical instrument that removes growths from a body cavity
cycl/cyclo Meaning: circle; wheel; cycle Examples: cyclical cycloid Characterized by cycles; moving in cycles cycloid Resembling a circle
Word Associations Which word goes with “a shape”? Which word goes with “a cycle”? Which word goes with museum? Which word goes with surgery?
de Meaning: from; down; away; against Examples: deride denounce mock condemn
dec/deca Meaning: ten Examples: decimate decapod Destroy a large part of; inflict great destruction on decapod A crustacean having ten legs
Word Associations Which word goes with copy? Which word goes with a living creature? Which word goes with destroy? Which word goes with criticize?
dem Meaning: common people Examples: demographic pandemic Related to the population balance pandemic Spread over a whole area or country
derm Meaning: skin Examples: dermatitis pachyderm Inflammation of the skin pachyderm A thick-skinned, hoofed animal like the elephant
Word Associations Which word goes with disease? Which word goes with “thick skin”? Which word goes with “puffy skin”? Which word goes with population?