Apache MXNet | Installation
Prerequisites Pip installation (OSX or Linux) | Python, OpenCV, OpenBlas AWS Cloud using AMIs| AWS Account
Simple 1-line install: Pip install mxnet Pip Installation Simple 1-line install: Pip install mxnet
Git Clone https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet-notebooks/ Pip Installation Git Clone https://github.com/dmlc/mxnet-notebooks/
Browser window now open with your directory of notebooks Pip Installation Browser window now open with your directory of notebooks
Navigate to the AWS Management Console Using the AWS Cloud Navigate to the AWS Management Console
Using the AWS Cloud Choose EC2
Search Deep Learning AMI, and choose the OS version: Using the AWS Cloud Search Deep Learning AMI, and choose the OS version:
Select the instance type to launch Using the AWS Cloud Select the instance type to launch
Edit your security group to allow access using only your IP address Using the AWS Cloud Edit your security group to allow access using only your IP address
Review your instance, and choose Launch Using the AWS Cloud Review your instance, and choose Launch
For secure access, select or create a new private key file Using the AWS Cloud For secure access, select or create a new private key file
To find your instance DNS, navigate to the instance Using the AWS Cloud To find your instance DNS, navigate to the instance
Using the AWS Cloud Connect to your instance by using SSH, and set up an SSH tunnel: Format: SSH -f -N –L localhost:8888:localhost:8888 –i <your .pem file name> ubuntu@<Your instance DNS>
Open Jupyter using the command: jupyter notebook Using the AWS Cloud Open Jupyter using the command: jupyter notebook
Open a browser window and navigate to localhost:port Using the AWS Cloud Open a browser window and navigate to localhost:port
Using the AWS Cloud Open a new notebook, import MXNet, and start coding or try out a tutorial
Thank You!