Animal Behavior Actions Stimulus- a signal with information Response- a reaction to a stimulus Example Blinking when something is thrown at you.
Types of Behavior 1) Innate - instinctive behavior requiring no experience ex.- spider webs, bird nests
2) Learned - altering behavior due to experience Types a) Habituation - ignoring a stimulus that gives no reward/threat ex.- nightly train nearby b) Classical Conditioning - responding to a stimulus because of a reward/threat. ex.- dog wagging tail at the sight of food c) Trial & Error - learning after practice to get reward or avoid punishment ex.- chimps getting ants from an ant mound 3) Imprinting - combination of innate + learned - ex.- ducklings latching on to first moving object
Patterns of Behavior 1) Cycles Migration- response to seasonal changes Circadian Rhythms- response to daily patterns - nocturnal- active at night - diurnal- active during the day Hibernation- period of inactivity during cold/dry weather ex. Bears, snakes, bees Estivation- period of inactivity during hot/dry weather ex. Frogs, crocodiles, turtles
2) Courtship - animals send out stimuli to get a response for mating animals use sounds, visual displays, or chemicals ex.- fireflies, frogs singing, bird calls/dances
3) Social Behavior - responding as a group to increase survival ex.- defense from predators/rivals(herding) sharing of food(wolves, lions) locating food(bees)
4) Competition - displays used to mark/defend territory, claim food, or attract mates ex.- cats raising hair, hissing deer locking antlers (tug of war)