East India Company Mid-1800s controlled 3/5 of India Exploited diversity Many people and cultures Struggled to united against British Goal to make money Also improved roads and peace
Reform 1800s British Introduced Western Education and legal procedures Christianity Worked to end slavery and caste system Ended Sati—Hindu practice requiring women to join her husband in death by throwing herself on his funeral fire
Discontent Sepoys, Indian soldiers in EIC service, required to serve anywhere Against religion to travel overseas EIC passed laws that widows could remarry Against religion 1857—Sepoys given new rifles Told to bite off cartridges before loading Greased with animal fat Imprisoned for no loading
Sepoy Rebellion Marched to Delhi and named last Mughal ruler as their leader Brutally massacred British men, women and children British took revenge Torched villages and slaughtered thousands of innocent
Sepoy Rebellion Bitter legacy of fear and mistrust on both sides 1858—Parliament ended EIC rule India under direct rule of British crown More troops Taxed Indians
British Colonial Rule The British Raj A Viceroy governed in the name of the Queen Other British men in power India was “brightest jewel” in their empire
British Colonial Rule Unequal partnership Pros Cons Some peace Legal system regardless of caste Railroads and roads Telegraph Postal system Upper classes sent children to English universities Unequal partnership British goods destroyed strong Indian hand- weaving industry Deforestation Food supply strain Famines
Indian Nationalism Grows Late 1800s: Western schools influenced young Indians Wanted democracy and autonomy 1885: Indian National Congress (The Congress Party) Peaceful protests Supported western modernization Muslims split and formed Muslim League Talks of separate Muslim state