A Dialogue on Generational Diversity and Community Building An introduction to an upcoming three-part national webinar series Today we’d like to introduce the Center’s upcoming three-part webinar series – A Dialogue on Generational Diversity and Community Building. I’m Deb Markley, managing director of the Center. Before I introduce my colleagues, I want to share just a bit about why we believe this topic is critical to the future of communities, particularly those in rural places.
Generational Diversity This chart reflects an ongoing, and non-negotiable, trend in the U.S. With the passing of time, one generation leaves the scene, as you can see in the declining bright green segments representing the GI generation. And over time, other generations become more prominent – the brown showing the Baby Boom generation, the tan showing Generation X, and the emerging presence of the Millennials depicted in pink/mauve. These trends alone aren’t surprising or unexpected. But, for those of us who work with community leaders on a regular basis, this chart raised some important questions: Do today’s community leaders understand the generations that are moving up or moving in? Do they know what motivates them or defines them? How much does a community influence an individual's hopes and dreams for the future? Does the size of a community or level of social connections matter in this process?" For anyone who has worked with a younger, or older, person, you know that each generation is different. My elderly parents faced a whole set of influences that just weren’t a part of my reality. Understanding those realities may play a big role in building stronger, more constructive bonds across the generations. To explore these and other questions, my colleagues, Craig Schroeder, Senior Fellow for New Generation Partnerships, and Ahmet Binerer, Senior Associate for Community Development Philanthropy, have designed a three-part webinar series to share our new generational research and stories about how community leaders are engaging the generations in philanthropy and economic development. As a prelude to the series, Craig and Ahmet are going to offer their thoughts on the importance and value of this topic.
Interview with … Why is an understanding of generational diversity important for community leaders? Craig Schroeder What one tip would you give community leaders for engaging the generations in community building? Let’s start with Craig: Why is an understanding of generational diversity important for community leaders? [Craig responds] Ahmet, your thoughts on that question? [Ahmet responds] And, is there one tip you would give community leaders for engaging the generations in community building? Ahmet, let’s start with you. Craig, what tip would you give? Ahmet Binerer
A Dialogue on Generational Diversity and Community Building DATES: March 12 – Overview of Generational Diversity April 2 – Engaging the Generations in Community Philanthropy and Endowment Building April 23 – Engaging the Generations in Economic Development and Community Building TIME: 12:00 – 1:00 PM Central COST: $249 for the series We invite and encourage you to bring a group of community leaders together to participate in the series. Have lunch and enjoy the discussion! We hope this podcast has created interest on your part in learning more about this important topic. If so, here’s the important information about our upcoming webinar series. The three-part series will take place on Thursday March 12, April 2, and April 23 at noon Central time. The cost for the series is $250. Please note that this is a series meant to be watched with friends – we invite you to bring a group of leaders together over lunch to watch and discuss the issues raised. You might want to particularly invite leaders involved with community philanthropy to the April 2nd webinar and those involved with economic development to the April 23rd webinar. However, the entire series will be valuable to all. When you register for the series, we’ll send you the Center’s new white paper - Understanding Generational Diversity: Implications for Community Building. We’ll also share a Story Bio for each of our presenters so that you can learn more. During the third webinar, we’ll provide a guide to organizing a Community Dialogue on Generational Diversity in your own community as an action step and follow up to the series.
Visit the Trainings page on our website: For More Information Visit the Trainings page on our website: www.energizingentrepreneurs.org Or contact: Craig@e2mail.org Ahmet@e2mail.org To learn more, please visit our website – www.energizingentrepreneurs.org. You’ll find registration information on our Trainings page. You can also contact Craig or Ahmet with any questions – craig@e2mail.org or ahmet@e2mail.org. We hope this podcast was helpful and we hope that you’ll participate in our upcoming series. Thank you!