SUCCESS CRITERIA: 1. 80% + correct for C- in Listening. La télé LEARNING OBJECTIVE: 1. to understand spoken language about TV programmes. 2. To write a paragraph of 75+ words saying what I watch on TV or at the cinema. SUCCESS CRITERIA: 1. 80% + correct for C- in Listening. 2. 75+ words including opinions, justifications, more than one tense and variety of language for C grade. 100+ words additionally using complex structures accurately for grade B.
ÉCOUTEZ Écrivez les nombres 1 à 5. Notez les deux bonnes lettres pour chaque dialogue. MARK OUT OF 10: 8-10 = C-, 7 = D+. 6 = D, 5 = D-, 4 = E+, 3 = E, 2 = E-, 1 = F+
ÉCRIVEZ Écrivez 75 mots sur la télé et le cinema pour vous. Aim to include a variety of opinions and extra details, plus time phrases, intensifiers and connectives. SUCCESS CRITERIA: 2. 75+ words including opinions, justifications, more than one tense and variety of language for C grade. 100+ words additionally using complex structures accurately for grade B. Aide mémoire Je regarde = I watch j’aime regarder = I like to watch je déteste regarder = I hate to watch parce que / car = because c’est = it is ce sont = they are je pense que / je crois que = I think that intéressant = interesting ennuyeux = boring nul = rubbish chouette = great je les aime = I like them je les trouve …. = I find them …. hier = yesterday hier soir = last night j’ai regardé = I watched c’était = it was Boost your grade by writing about what other members of your family like to watch and their opinions. Mon frère / mon père / ma soeur / ma mère aime regarder… ils aiment regarder = they like to watch
QUI = WHICH / THAT QUE = WHICH / THAT OÙ = WHERE Making more complex phrases You can make your sentences more complex by using something called RELATIVE PRONOUNS. These link two sentences that refer to the same thing. QUI = WHICH / THAT QUE = WHICH / THAT OÙ = WHERE (Generally, “QUI” is followed by a verb, “QUE” is followed by a noun.) Examples: Je regarde un film. Le film est intéressant = I’m watching a film. The film is interesting’ You can avoid repeating “le film” by using a relative pronoun in its place. Je regarde un film qui est intéressant. = I’m watching a film which is interesting. J’aime le film. Ma soeur a acheté le film. = I like the film. My sister bought the film. You can avoid repeating “le film” by using a relative pronoun in its place. J’aime le film que ma soeur a acheté. = I like the film that my sister bought. Je suis allé au cinéma. J’ai vu un film au cinéma. = I went to the cinema. I saw a film at the cinema. You can avoid repeating “le cinéma” by using a relative pronoun in its place. Je suis allé au cinéma où j’ai vu un film. = I went to the cinema where I saw a film.