Partnering with Dallas County HHS to Protect your Employees from a Bioterrorism Event Emily Gore Dallas County Health and Human Services Harlan Dolgin, JD, CBCP Bio-Defense Network 11/19/2018
PandemicPrep.Org Grass roots organization began in 2006 Mission to advance pandemic preparedness Public Private Partnership Businesses Government/Public Health Schools/Universities Healthcare Quarterly educational conferences since 2006 Added Bio-Terrorism preparedness in 2010 11/19/2018
History of Pandemics Three pandemics occurred in the 20th century 1918 - estimated 40-50 million people died 1957 1968 One pandemic so far in 21st century 2009 – lower mortality rate than normal flu H5N1 most closely resembles flu of 1918 Both reasonably mild, only slightly worse than normal flu season 11/19/2018
Bioterrorism Threats Anthrax release Tularemia Bubonic Plague Chernobyl in 1979 Tularemia Bubonic Plague Small Pox Ebola Botulinum toxin Viral Hemorrhagic Fever 11/19/2018
Consider this… “Any community that fails to prepare with the expectation that the federal government will, at the last moment, be able to come to the rescue will be tragically wrong.” -Michael Leavitt, Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services February 2006 11/19/2018 6
Cities Readiness Initiative (CRI) Enhances preparedness in largest cities Based on aerosolized Anthrax threat Goal: 48-hour dispensing capability to 100% of the community 11/19/2018
The Mission: To provide lifesaving pharmaceuticals and medical supplies in the event of a natural disaster, chemical or bioterrorism attack in order to reduce morbidity and mortality. Open spreadsheets (North, South, East, West) before beginning 11/19/2018
SNS Contents Antibiotics Chemical antidotes Vaccines Antivirals Antitoxins Life-support medications Intravenous administration supplies Airway maintenance supplies Medical/surgical items Items for radiation burns and blast Wound care supplies 11/19/2018
Requesting SNS Materials 1. Need for Drugs and Medical Supplies Exceeds Local & State Resources 2. State Requests Federal Assistance Discussion with key officials (HHS, DHS, CDC, State, etc) 4. 3. SNS Augments Local & State Medical Materiel Resources Federal Officials Deploy SNS Assets 11/19/2018
What is a POD? 11/19/2018
How Open PODs will Work Dallas County HHS 11/19/2018
Relieving the Pressure With Closed Points of Dispensing Dallas County HHS 11/19/2018
Procedure During an Activation Closed POD employers will be notified Medical standing order will be invoked PODs will be activated Medication will be received Volunteers will get meds for their families PODs will open to employees Employees will take meds to their families 11/19/2018
Benefits of Membership Life-saving medications when you need them the most No cost, but medical professional on site is a good idea if possible Protect your most important asset, your workforce and their families Obvious employee benefit Becomes part of your Continuity of Operations or business continuity program 11/19/2018
Dallas County Project Goals Total population of Dallas County: 2.4 million people Initial goal of the Bio-Defense Network: 100,000 residents Future Goals - TBD 11/19/2018
St. Louis 2011 By the Numbers Open PODs Closed PODs 11/19/2018
St. Louis Closed PODs 276,821 446,544 723,365 County PODs Pre-existing Added Through Bio-Defense Network Combined Total Hospitals 108,923 First Responders 20,648 Long Term Care 9,250 42,021 51,271 Government 32,256 Businesses 64,000 208,932 272,932 Schools 75,000 162,335 237,335 - Totals 276,821 446,544 723,365 723,365 County residents covered out of One Million 11/19/2018
St. Louis Participants Express Scripts Hazelwood School District Lindbergh School District Delmar Gardens Parkway School District Lutheran Senior Services Rockwood School District Boeing Brentwood School District Washington University All first responders All hospitals 11/19/2018
Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act Enacted to alleviate liability concerns Authorizes the Secretary to issue a declaration providing immunity from tort liability Exception: willful misconduct Different from, and (mostly) independent of, other emergency declarations 11/19/2018
Who is protected? Covered persons Manufacturers Distributors Program planners “Qualified persons” (i.e. licensed) The United States Officials, agents, and employees of any of the above 11/19/2018
Program planners State or local government agency (includes tribes) State or local government employee Or other person (private sector employer or community group) WHO… 11/19/2018
Program planners Supervises or administers a program to administer, dispense, distribute, provide, or use a countermeasure, including persons who: Establish requirements Provide policy guidance Supply technical or scientific advice or assistance Provide a facility 11/19/2018
Program Requirements Main local HQ in Dallas County Willing to order and distribute 4,000 courses or more. This may include: Employees Household members (average of 3 per employee) Tenants/Contractors/Students/Residents/Patients Household members of the above 11/19/2018
Contact Harlan or Emily with any questions Next Steps Take materials back to your organization Approve Memo of Understanding Estimate number of courses needed and who will be company contacts Identify facility/location for Closed POD Send notification to Harlan or Emily Wait for MOU and sign two when received Assemble small planning workgroup Contact Harlan or Emily with any questions 11/19/2018
Questions Harlan Dolgin, Bio-Defense Network HDolgin@PandemicPrep Questions Harlan Dolgin, Bio-Defense Network HDolgin@PandemicPrep.Org 314.304.4354 Emily Gore, Dallas County HHS Emily.Gore@DallasCounty.Org 972.692.2715 11/19/2018