Introduction to the Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan
Workshop Goals 1.Learn about the Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan (WBLP) and become familiar with the online screens. 2.Through discussion of the WBLP, explore and exchange ideas about creating high- quality, successful and productive work experiences.
Benefits The WBLP is an easy-to-use tool that opens up conversations: Between intern and supervisor Among program staff What opportunities are we offering to our interns? What skills can interns practice and develop through this experience? What are our expectations for interns? How can we strengthen opportunities for learning and productivity ? Continued on next page…
Benefits - Statewide Connections Using the WBLP connects programs to a statewide network: The WBLP is a tool that is shared among a statewide professional development network that supports quality internship programs. The online system provides a statewide bank of job descriptions and skills/tasks and provides data on skills used and skill gains. The WBLP is based on input from many stakeholders statewide.
What is the Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan? The Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan is a tool designed to drive learning and productivity in jobs, internships and other work-based learning experiences.
Three-fold purpose 1.Identifies ability level within skill areas (diagnostic) 2. Drives quality of student learning and productivity (goal-setting) 3.Assesses student progress (assessment)
Where it is used In a variety of work experience programs: Summer jobs programs Cooperative education programs for vocational schools Internship programs for high school and college students Workforce development programs for young adults. How it is used Online WBLP Database As MS Word document As paper and pencil document
Background / History 1999: Original Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan developed by a group of school-based staff, employers, and workforce development partners. The Work-Based Learning Plan has been used statewide since May 2001: Skill Gain Study: First statewide study analyzing job descriptions, skills/task descriptions and skill gain. June December 2005: Design phase for New streamlined Work-Based Learning Plan (WBLP). February April 2006: Employer Pilot of New WBLP.
Background / History May 2006: New Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan launched. May 2007: Skill Gain Study: Statewide analysis of skill gain using the new version of the WBLP. May 2008: Pilot online version of WBLP launched. WBLP formats now include Word document, PC database screens and web-based online screens. June 2009: Design and development of online WBLP scoring rubric. July - August 2009: Pilot online WBLP scoring rubric. July 2010: This is the beginning of the third year of using the online version of the WBLP.
Sections of the plan WBLP Heading (Placement Info) Job Description Section 1: Foundation Skills Work Ethic and Professionalism Communication and Interpersonal Skills Section 2: Specific Workplace and Career Skills Section 3: Evaluation of Performance and Progress
WBLP Heading (Placement Information) Name of participant, supervisor, staff, teacher Name of company or worksite Start and end dates Review dates Other program information as needed
Job Description Brief job description – provides background about the position and the organization and provides an overview of projects, responsibilities, etc. Journalism Intern will be responsible for occasional interviews and story with direction from editor; photography related to stories; typing police logs; assisting with editing calendar selections; occasional filing; and observing the final editing process. In addition, Intern will also work on a special project at the office one day per week.
Section 1: Foundation Skills Foundation Skills: The Foundation Skills section of the WBLP lists basic skills required in every job or internship. This section provides background for orientation and for informal conversations about workplace skills.
Section 1: Foundation Skills Work Ethic and Professionalism: Attendance and Punctuality Workplace Appearance Accepting Direction and Constructive Criticism Motivation and Taking Initiative Understanding Workplace Culture, Policy and Safety Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Speaking Listening Interacting with Co-Workers
Section 2: Career and Workplace Specific Skills Career and Workplace Specific Skills: This section of the WBLP provides a template for describing specific skills and tasks relevant to the placement. WBLPs can list up to seven skills in this section. For each skill there is a description of related tasks and performance goals.
Project Management Interacting with Children Time Management -Help teacher with various art projects using a multi- sensory approach with an emphasis on visual aides. -Assist teacher with calendar activities such as days of the week, months of the year, letters, colors, and shapes. -Intern will utilize time in a productive manner by helping to prepare lessons and activities for the teacher (cutting, tracing, and coloring). -Help with setup, preparation, and cleanup of lunch. -Interact with children during center time as well as circle time. -Assist with transition between indoor and outdoor activities, while monitoring childrens safety on playground and indoors. -Accompany and supervise children during field trips. Career and Workplace Specific Skills with Tasks and Performance Goals The description of tasks can be brief, but detailed enough to include information about who, what, when, why, where… to provide the participant with a flavor of the job.
What Career and Workplace Specific skills are selected most? Project Management Collecting and Organizing Information Teaching and Instructing 1.Time Management 2.Project Management 3.Collecting and Organizing Information 4.Interacting with Customers or Clients 5.Equipment Operation 6.Teaching and Instructing 7.Computer Technology 8.Leadership 9.Problem Solving 10.Understanding All Aspects of the Industry 11.Research and Analysis 12.Interacting with Children Most common skills from WBLPs, July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
Career and Workplace Specific Skills – More Examples 1.Web Design Principles 2.Gardening Techniques 3.Human Rights and Dignity 4.Hand Tool Nomenclature 5.Animal Care Skills 6.Project Evaluation 7.Installing Computer Software 8.Writing 9.Color Choice 10.Community Interaction Additional examples from WBLPs, July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010.
Section 3: Evaluation of Performance Evaluation is based on the foundation skills and the career and workplace specific skills. A scoring rubric is provided as a guide to evaluation.
Comments from Employers I was impressed with how easy this plan was to use with my student intern. She is working out fine and this helped me to prove it to her. - Employer, Dairy Farm The program is wonderful and the evaluation is a great way for both the students and employers to get feedback. - Employer, Law Office
Evidence that it works… The Skill Gain study Analysis of a sample of Work-Based Learning Plans demonstrates that: Participants gain skills during their work experiences, as measured by a comparison of the average ratings on first and second reviews. Supervisors are able to use the WBLP to provide feedback that is useful, realistic and concrete. Measured skill gain varies with the amount of attention that goes into the Work-Based Learning Plan, as measured by the amount written in the job description, skills/tasks, goals and comments sections. Measured skill gain also varies by type of job and length of placement, and, of course, from one individual WBLP to another. This variation is good news because it shows that the WBLP is an effective tool and that the skill gain data is a real outcome of the learning experience.
Job and Internship Skill Gain Foundation Skills Skill Gain data can be generated easily from the reports menu of the online WBLP database.
Job and Internship Skill Gain Career and Workplace Specific Skills
For more information: Web Links: Online WBLP: Instructions: Keith Westrich Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education