Priority setting of European statistics- review of proposals Christine Kormann, Eurostat ESS RDG 2014 Item 6 ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Context European statistical programme -Article 6: "The Commission shall, in the preparation of Annual Work programmes, ensure effective priority setting and annual review of an report on, statistical priorities" Eurostat cost-merit analysis ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Context ESSC opinion May 2014: Identifying new areas for prioritisation Make the case for official statistics to improve financing Contribution form NSIs received in June 2014 and analysed by Eurostat 20 "hearings" with Commission DGs ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Challenges Rebranding "negative priorities": discontinued statistical products and simplification Getting consensus among MS Need time from analysis to implementation: towards a multiannual approach/presentation? Policy needs evolve ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Lists provided The basis: list of statistical products 2014 (annex 1) To report: list of priority setting 2015 (annex 2) To report: comments from MS on draft priority setting 2015 and reactions from Eurostat (annex 3) To be discussed : NSIs proposals and first reactions from Eurostat (annex 4) ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Proposals and first reactions Some proposals led to explanations: LFS from household to individual (DK) ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Proposals and first reactions Some proposals led to clarifications: Transport (DK): Eurostat encourages the use of digitally registered data collection at national level Forestry statistics (IT): focus on wood production Population (FR): Eurostat does not requite data providers to assure perfect consistency of totals and their components ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Proposals and first reactions Some proposals can be discussed in short term: CVTS (NO): survey carried out in 2015 and then need for an alternative solution- test in Labour Cost Survey in 2016 Environmental investment in SBS (DK): discussed in BSDG Business short term statistics number of hours worked (FR): could be discussed at technical level ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Proposals and first reactions Some proposals can be discussed in short term: ICT (AT, FR, MT, UK): investigate with a small group of MS actual and perceived burden and alternative/complementary production methods to satisfy policy needs PRODCOM regulation (FR): discussed in PRODCOM WG in September + consultation ESS RDG 12 December 2014
Proposals and first reactions Some proposals could be discussed in long term: Fruit plantation- Reg 1337/2011 (LT): strategy agriculture statistics 2020 Pesticide statistics (LT): evaluation of Reg 1185/2009 to be carried out in 2016 ESS RDG 12 December 2014