English IV Roots List 5
Demo: People
Democracy Definition: (noun) a system of government run by the people Example: There is an increasing feeling of democracy in the country.
Democide Definition: (noun) the murder of any person by their government Example: Democide is an act that no citizen should ever have to fear
Demophile Definition: (noun) one who loves crowds Example: Spending all day in the middle of Times Square is the perfect vacation for a demophile.
Pandemonium Definition: (noun) wild and noisy disorder Example: Even though the teacher had instructed the children to be on their best behavior, pandemonium broke loose the minute Santa Claus walked through the door.
Luc: Light
Lucid Definition: (adj) bright and luminous Example: The firelight provided a lucid and mesmerizing warmth for the night.
Translucent Definition: (adj) allowing light Example: The man with translucent skin and purple eyes – the one Jonny hadn't exactly greeted with open arms – stood a few feet away.
Elucidate Definition: (verb) to make clear Example: An interpreter will elucidate the instructions for all non-English speaking guests.
Circumlucid Definition: (adj) being light on every side Example: The lightbulb is circumlucid.
Ami: Love
Amicable Definition: (adj) having a spirit of friendliness Example: Because Leslie is very amicable, she is the peacemaker in her family.
Amiable Definition: (adj) displaying a friendly manner Example: It was amazing how amiable two people could be when their time together was going to be short.
Amicicide Definition: (noun) the killing of a friend Example: Is it possible that amicicide is legal in any country?
Amity Definition: (noun) a friendly relationship Example: The purpose of the treaty is to help the two countries develop amity so they can live in cooperation instead of in war.
Cogn: Know
Recognize Definition: (verb) identify from having known before Example: You will recognize them by the white ribbon they will wear on the left arm.
Cognition Definition: (noun) the process of understanding Example: His cognition of the situation wasn’t assuring.
Incognito Definition: (adj) having one’s identity concealed Example: Although some women were able to fight in the Civil War because they were incognito, they were often discovered when they were injured.
Precognition Definition: (noun) knowledge of something before it happens Example: Psychic Premonition and Precognition Imagine being able to tell something is going to happen.
Cred: Believe
Credible Definition: (adj) believable Example: How are we supposed to know that your information is credible?
Accredit Definition: (verb) give credit to someone Example: It was now proposed that he should be accredited as Bavarian ambassador in London
Incredulous Definition: (adj) unable to believe Example: He was at first incredulous, but eventually learned the truth.
Discredit Definition: (verb) harm the good reputation of something or someone Example: Already the discredit of parliameiitary government was being evidenced in the increased personal power of the young king.