Gifted and Talented Academy year 1


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Presentation transcript:

Gifted and Talented Academy year 1 Session 1 September 24, 2015

Wireless Connection Choose haeanet Password: education

Look with favor upon a bold beginning. --Virgil, Roman poet

Winnie the Witch Why do children need gifted services? She’s even on Facebook!

Agenda Welcome and Introductions Web Tools Academy History Goals Norms Iowa Code Foundation Home Play Closure

Tools Wiki Google site Padlet Visit Create site Share with me at Padlet

Introductions Name School One important thing you hope to gain from the Academy

Why the Academy? A common philosophy A comprehensive K-12 program plan to guide programming Teamwork Establish importance of leadership It will benefit kids Sharpening focus

G/T Academy Outcomes To deepen understanding of the components of comprehensive gifted and talented programming To construct and/or improve a written comprehensive gifted and talented program plan To identify and use data necessary to provide, drive, and improve gifted and talented programming To network with other teachers of gifted in the Heartland area - and beyond

Expectations 100% attendance Active participation Completion of all assigned work Grading Rubric (see Wiki) Drake and LR requirements are the same

What Are You? Enthusiast? Explorer? Sightseer? Vacationer? Prisoner? As you reflect on your attitude about being here, which of the following are you? The enthusiast approaches every day as an adventure and is excited by the prospect of new opportunities to learn and grow professionally. The explorer is willing to go into uncharted territory; the excitement lies in confronting the unknown. The explorer is looking for a payback for his/her effort and trouble. The sightseer is invigorated by a little of this and a little of that. The more variety the better because he/she isn’t willing to spend to much time in any one locale but is interested in learning a little about each landmark he/she encounters. The vacationer seeks to get away from it all! There are no expectations on this trip, nor is there any serious intellectual investment. Whether physical or mental, a vacation is the time to rest and relax. And the prisoner…? Well, we all know what that entails. Throughout this discussion, I challenge each of you to raise your position on the ladder and come to a deeper understanding of the rationale and theory behind differentiation and the need for changing your thinking about teaching and learning to embrace differentiation as everyday classroom practice.

Team Role Honor commitment to complete work between sessions Everyone contributes Dedication to learning Advocacy Promote learning of others Be open to change

Administrator Role Provide and protect time for team to meet Provide access to data Provide access to staff Encourage and guide Learn with teachers Be open to change

Group Norms, Processes and Needs Talk freely - think out loud Freedom to change your mind Remember Iowa Core Make connections Importance of intercession work Support one another in the learning Use technology responsibly

Iowa Code and Gifted Standards Iowa Code provides requirements in law for minimum compliance (Chs. 12 & 59) NAGC PK-12 Gifted Programming Standards provide guidance toward best practices Teacher Preparation Standards in Gifted Education identify essential knowledge and skills for teachers of gifted

Comprehensive Gifted and Talented Programming Including many things Having a wide scope or full view Extensive; wide; large; full; compendious (

So what is it? Work with your team to list the components/characteristics of comprehensive gifted and talented programming. Think: comprehensive physical, comprehensive exam

Comprehensive Gifted and Talented Programming Includes and integrates multiple domains of giftedness Provides multiple programming options matched to student need Addresses both cognitive and affective needs Is articulated K-12 Is evolutionary in nature Is essential to and embedded in an effective educational program Is based on student need Identifies children with unmet educational needs Discuss in your team questions and insights this list brings to mind.

CONSENSUS INFRASTRUCTURE CONSENSUS IMPLEMENTATION INFRASTRUCTURE This graphic and thinking have been applied to many different initiatives.When we implement comprehensive gifted and talented programming, this is a valid framework to apply. CONSENSUS INFRASTRUCTURE

Managing Complex Change + Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan = Change Confusion = + Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan + Vision Incentives Resources Action Plan = Anxiety = + Vision Skills Resources Action Plan Resistance For most of you and your staffs, implementing comprehensive g/t programming represents complex change. Change, especially that with 2nd order implications, can upset people and create resistance. Often we’re left wondering why. This chart helps explain it. Let’s talk about each aspect. = + Vision Skills Incentives Action Plan Frustration = + Vision Skills Incentives Resources False Starts Adapted from Knoster, T., Villa R., & Thousand, J. (2000). A framework for thinking about systems change. In R. villa & J. Thousand (Eds.), Restructuring for caring and effective education: Piecing the puzzle together (pp. 93-128). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change + Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans CONFUSION

Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans ANXIETY + If you expect me to drive you across town to an important meeting, you assume I have certain skills associated with driving. What are some of those skills? What will happen to me as the potential driver if I lack these skills? What will you as the passenger experience?

Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans Resistance + Dieting: What’s in it for me? You dieting: What’s in it for me?

Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans FRUSTRATION + I have to teach literature but have no books and no internet access.

Consensus-Building Tool #3 Managing Complex Change Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plans FALSE STARTS + Prevents purpose drift. Helps me break the “big thing” onto manageable parts. Shows me how to bring the vision to life.

Talk in Your Team With regard to g/t programming which areas are strengths? which areas need attention/work? Each team report one strength and one area needing attention.

Survey Results Results tabulation sheet Transfer numbers Hard copy or Excel sheet Transfer numbers A lot like my school = 3 Somewhat like = 2 A little like = 1 Not like my school = 0 Totals and percentages

Survey Results Section 1 – Vision Section 2 – Skills Section 3 – Incentives Section 4 – Resources Section 5 – Action Plan Discuss alignment with managing complex change discussion. What areas seem to be priorities? We’re going to touch on all five throughout the Academy.

Vision Mission Beliefs Commitments to Action It All Starts With… Vision Mission Beliefs Commitments to Action

Vision What we aspire to Requires “stretch” Example: ITAG envisions a time when all students, including the gifted and talented, are given an appropriate educational experience that matches their abilities and potential, where they have abundant opportunities for their intellectual and creative challenge and growth, and those who work with them are effectively trained to appreciate, understand, and nurture their unique talents and needs. What elements require stretch? What words take us to a future time? Could this vision be achieved easily? Quickly? Tomorrow…or next week?

Mission/Philosophy Answers the questions What is our purpose? Why does the program(ming) exist? What it does Creates cohesiveness, commitment, and understanding Gives meaning to our work Choosing how we’ll work What work we choose to do --Conzemius & O’Neill, 2002

Belief Statements & Commitments to Action Beliefs: an expression of what we believe to be true Commitments to Action: absolute commitments that translate into behaviors Example: Belief: gifted kids learn best in the company of intellectual peers Commitment to Action: to provide grouping arrangements that promote new learning for gifted kids Beliefs reflect commitments to action, sometimes called core values, and vice versa. Beliefs are based on underlying assumptions Core values can be stated in three ways: as outcomes for students, as commitments to each other, or as beliefs about conditions for learning

Sample M/V/B Waukee Perry What is important for your work? Critical to connect ELP m/v/b to larger district view Review sample Do you need all of them? Let’s take a look at sample district vision, mission, beliefs, and commitments to action

Victory Circle Three years from now, the DE awards your district the “Outstanding GT Program” distinction for the state. What would we see, hear, experience, etc. that would give credence to the award? Chart paper Post

Creating Stretch What aspects of your victory are worthy of achieving but would require significant stretch? Consider these ideas to help you write a statement of vision.

S-W-O-R Analysis What are the strengths in our school that would help us achieve our victory? What weaknesses do we need to overcome? What opportunities exist if we achieve our victory? What risks do we face along the way?

Assumptions What assumptions do you hold about gifted children? (+ or -) What assumptions do classroom teachers, administrators, and parents in your district/building hold?

Putting It All Together… Consider desired state (victory) components requiring stretch current state (S-W-O-R) assumptions which drive beliefs Create a draft of your vision, mission/philosophy, and beliefs.

Sample Vision Waukee – “New learning all day every day for each identified gifted child.” Consider: In what ways will vision impact programming?

Sample Mission/Philosophy The mission of the Iowa Talented and Gifted Association is to recognize, support, and respect the unique and diverse needs of talented and gifted learners through ADVOCACY: by encouraging informed educational professionals, parents, policy makers, and all other stakeholders to take appropriate action for the benefit of talented and gifted learners. EDUCATION: by strengthening and encouraging the recognition and implementation of practices that support identification of talented and gifted learners and accommodation of the social, emotional, and intellectual levels. NETWORKING: by increasing opportunities for collaboration and cooperation among all stakeholders with the goal of advancing the abilities and developing the potential of talented and gifted learners. Compare/contrast the ITAG vision and mission statements. How are they different? Why would the organization have each?

Traits Comprehensiveness Rationale Consistency Clarity --Purcell & Eckert, 2006 These traits are spelled out on page 17 of Designing Services and Programs for High-Ability Learners. Take a minute to look through them and discuss in your team.

Evaluating Your Mission/Philosophy Rate your mission/philosophy with regard to Comprehensiveness Rationale Consistency Clarity

Sample Academically talented children in Jonesville may possess characteristics that necessitate qualitatively different instruction. Our program is designed to provide the atmosphere for stimulating above-average-ability students. Trait 5 4 3 2 1 Comprehensiveness Rationale Consistency Clarity --Purcell & Eckert, 2006

Sample Academically talented children in Jonesville may possess characteristics that necessitate qualitatively different instruction. Our program is designed to provide the atmosphere for stimulating above-average-ability students. Trait 5 4 3 2 1 Comprehensiveness X Rationale Consistency Clarity --Purcell & Eckert, 2006

Makeover The mission of the Jonesville School District is to ensure that each child has equal opportunity to receive a suitable program of educational experiences. The school board recognizes that some students possess, or are capable of possessing, extraordinary learning ability and/or outstanding talent. These students come from all socioeconomic, cultural, and ethnic backgrounds. The school board affirms the following:

Ongoing identification of gifted and talented children Curricular modifications as described in our comprehensive program design will occur in the regular classroom to provide continuous levels of challenge for all students, including those with unique gifts and talents. In addition to the regular classroom, a range of instructional settings, both within the school as well as the community, will be available for specialized instruction that is integrated with the regular curriculum and the intellectual and social and emotional needs of gifted and talented children. It is the responsibility of the school district and the larger community to ensure the following: Ongoing identification of gifted and talented children Provision of appropriate and systematic educational services to meet the unique learning needs of gifted and talented children. --Purcell & Eckert, 2006, p. 18-19

Building Consensus Determine With whom you will share How you will determine/build consensus Reflect on How the message was received Further work needed

Program Evaluation Baseline data Basis for program goals Complete Self-Audit/Reflection section(s) Identification Program Goals Bring results to next session Basis for program goals Means to improve programming

Home Play Complete two sections of SA/RT Program Goals Identification Share draft of Mission/Philosophy with GT Advisory, Administrative Team, and/or School Board Get input Get mission/philosophy approved Reflect on results

Home Play Read Chapters 1, 5, & 6 and journal about chapters Read Identifying Gifted and Talented English Language Learners and complete organizer Finish draft of GT Vision/Mission/Beliefs/Commitments to Action and share with GT Advisory and/or Administrative Team for feedback

Next Meeting November 17, 2015 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. This room

Memory Mingle How has the information you’ve engaged with so far “pushed” your thinking? Share in triads Identify connections and/or conclusions Share with large group