Teacher Effectiveness Framework
The Survey Says…
Domains 1 and 2 Domain 1: Classroom Community Creates a faith-filled environment for learning Works with families as partners in their child’s education Domain 2: Professional Life of a Catholic Educator Understands the school’s mission and his/her role in it Reflects on practice Contributes to a positive school environment Classroom Community: Physical space, behavior management with Gospel values, communicates high expectations for learning, engages the whole student in a faith-filled environment, provides feeback to families and engages families as partners in the educational process and the life of the school Professional Life of a Catholic Educator: Role model for Gospel values for students and families, professional demeanor in alignment with school’s mission, responsibility for professional growth, commitment to spiritual growth, collaborates with peers, serves beyond the classroom (positive school environment)
Deanery Discussion Questions (Google Form to be sent to Deanery Chairs) What topic(s) of “pop-up” professional development are of greatest interest to your deanery? Who/what school would be willing to host a session? What time of day would be best for offering this session? What time of year (month/week) would be best? Who in your deanery would be an expert in any of the identified areas and willing to share expertise/resources at a session (indicate topic)?
Assessment and Grading Guidebook
Supporting Documents Common Understanding and Language
Supporting Documents Common Understanding and Language
Assessment and Grading Guiding Principles Best practices Discontinued practices We believe the purpose of homework is to check for understanding, provide feedback, and prepare students for summative assessment. Teachers will only assign homework that is aligned with learning targets. Teachers will only assign homework that supports a student’s individual learning needs. Teachers will only use homework to check for understanding and provide feedback; it will not be graded. Students will complete homework to advance their knowledge and skills. Teachers will not grade homework that is given for practice or to check for understanding. Teachers will not assign homework that does not support growth toward identified learning targets (i.e. word searches, coloring book pages, copy of text passages).
Teacher Effectiveness Framework Support
Professional Learning Opportunities
Professional Learning Opportunities
For Discussion: How can the Assessment and Grading Guidebook assist in planning for professional learning at the school level? For goal setting and individual professional learning for teachers? For determining the format and content of the February 15th Archdiocesan Professional Learning Day?
Changing Assessment and Grading Practices Changing the Grade: A Step-by-Step Guide to Grading for Student Growth. Jonathan Cornue. 2018. ASCD.
But in the end… Change is inevitable. Good analogy.
WCRIS Update www.wcris.org Trauma Sensitive Schools Training Guide School Choice Handbook Wisconsin Private School Ombudsman Kohl Scholarships Wursterm@archmil.org Advocacy Portal
Odds and Ends Religion Curriculum STEP Program (Supporting Teachers Entering the Profession) Social Studies Curriculum Committee Nominations
Odds and Ends Convention Teacher Effectiveness Framework PD Discussion Notes Survey by Deanery