www.hunting-angling.com www.see-ukraine.com 2012 HUNTING IN UKRAINE www.hunting-angling.com www.see-ukraine.com 2012
ABOUT US UA TRAVEL is a leading travel company (tour operator) based in Kyiv Ukraine since 1995. UA TRAVEL have a great and positive experience of individual and group hunting tours in Ukraine
OUR VALUES We start and finish with budget discipline We expect unexpected and strive to solve the unsolvable Our Clients always deserve the best Our outstanding value is created by our outstanding team Our mastery comes with ease If we did not love it we would not do it
OUR SERVICES The organization of individual and collective hunting tours in Ukraine for foreign hunters Visa support, permission to import weapons Registration for the export of trophies, taxidermy services Professional services in the field hunting Accommodation on hunting bases The organization of fishing Sightseeing tours, military tourism Guide, interpreter Transport service, Air, railway-tickets
TYPES OF HUNTING Individual and collective hunting Big game - wild boar, roe deer, red deer, mouflon, wolf, fox, hare, marmot Small game - ducks, goose, pheasant, quail, dove, snipe, partridge, grouse, woodcock and other
TOURS 5 Days tour (3 days hunting) – includes transfers, accommodation, catering, hunting 7 Days tour (5 days hunting) – includes transfers, accommodation, catering, hunting 10 Days Tour (7 days hunting) – includes transfers, accommodation, catering, hunting
OUR CONTACTS Kyiv 01023, Ukraine Ofice 419, 16 Mechnikova st. P. +38 044 253 2838 P. +38 044 253 2787 F. +38 044 253 2262 M.+38 067 502 4393 ofice@see-ukraine.com skype: UA_Travel