Introduction Economic Reasons in Construction Industry Major causes of Accidents Approaches to improve construction safety Safety Measures followed L&T Construction industry Conclusion
INTRODUCTION Accidents are playing a major role regarding health concern and destroying a life, resulting in an estimated approx. 1.2 million deaths and 50 million injuries worldwide each year. Construction industry is high hazardous as compared to other industries. Comparing construction to the other industries , the rate of accidents is higher and is upto six times more. construction industry have suffered human and financial losses as a result of the poor safety record and also due to human which can be prevented by Safety Management
Economic Reasons in Construction Industry Economic reasons may be due direct or indirect costs. With the help of safety management we can minimize the costs.
Major causes of Accidents Electrocutions Falls Trenching and evacuation Struck by
Minor Causes Of Accidents Human Behavior Difficult Work Site Conditions Poor Safety Management practices Unsafe Work Methods, Equipment, and Procedures Unskilled, Semi skilled workers Communication problems Speedy jobs, long working hours
Approaches to improve construction Safety Rules and recommendations of OSHA Learn how to be safe Get Visibly Involved Provididng Incentives Formal Inspections Safety meetings regularly Safety education Research findings Regular safety meetings Awareness should be stressed by management
Adverse effects Waste of labor resources Delay of the project Loss of productivity Disrupted schedules Equipment damage Disorganize the construction process Construction accidents are expensive in terms of human loss and money
Humanitarian Concern family of the injured workers has to bear the consequences difficult to quantify their loss in economic terms The contractor should never ignore this, even if he/she has insured against the accidents.
Priority Safety has to be given the highest priority Safety measures taken in the construction site should cover the workmen as well as construction equipment used in the site Prevention and marginal reduction of accidents humanitarian grounds
Causes of accidents
Safety Nets It prevents the workers from falling down . At the greater heights safety nets are provided along the walls for greater safety of the workers. It prevents the workers from falling down . Safety Nets
Strong scaffolding and centering done to support the workers such that it can take the load of the workers and materials while at work. Lacing and bracing are to hold the position of the scaffold the type of scaffold selected depends on the strength of the soil. Scaffolding
Shuttering is employed at the site with at most care to prevent the materials from falling down , thus avoiding any damage or loss . Shuttering
Electrical safety at the site
Safety belts are tied to the workers which prevents falling down of the workers. It is tied to the life line which in turn is supported either by the hand rail or the scaffold beside. Safety belts
Handrails Handrails satisfy two purposes: To prevent the workers from falling down Life line is tied to the hand rails Handrails
Sign boards :
Indicators and alarms should be used while reversing the vehicles.
Cranes Cranes should be provided with load indicators signal man must be employed for Guiding the driver Alerting the workers Signal man Cranes
Excavated grounds Bariccation provided for pits below 3m placed 2m away from the pit sign boards are displayed Excavated grounds
First aid measures First aid room Induction room Initial treatment is given to the injured persons Induction room Workers are given initial training for safety before entering into the site First aid measures
Safety symbols
Safety Equipments
CONCLUSION Produce higher morale Improve the company’s public image Accidents in the construction industry are costly in terms of human life and economy Safety management reduce cost and increase productivity Reduction in accidents and associated costs are direct benefits to the construction industry.
Conclusion The case study will assist in developing proper accident prevention strategy such as mitigating any root potential factors to lead to fall accidents while designating who will be fined if they fail to comply with their responsibility related to the identified variables under various factors.