Instrument: FCI - Q6 SMILE 2001 6. Arah laluan manakah dalam gambarajah di sebelah kanan yang akan diikuti oleh bola setelah ianya keluar daripada saluran pada kedudukan “r” dan bergerak di atas permukaan meja tanpa geseran?
SMILE 2001 Instrument: FCI - Q6
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UKM) - Q6
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UiTM) - Q6
Instrument: FCI - Q15 SMILE 2001 Sebuah lori mengalami kerosakan dan menerima tolakan dari belakang oleh sebuah kereta kecil untuk menghantarnya ke bandar seperti yang digambarkan di bawah. 15. Sewaktu kereta kecil tersebut menolak lori dan memecut untuk mencapai kelajuan seragam;
Instrument: FCI - Q15 SMILE 2001 (A) daya tolakan yang dikenakan oleh kereta terhadap lori adalah sama dengan daya lori menolak kereta (B) daya tolakan yang dikenakan oleh kereta terhadap lori adalah lebih kecil berbanding dengan daya lori menolak kereta (C) daya tolakan yang dikenakan oleh kereta terhadap lori adalah lebih besar berbanding dengan daya lori menolak kereta
Instrument: FCI - Q15 SMILE 2001 (D) oleh kerana injin kereta hidup, maka ia mengenakan tolakan terhadap lori tetapi lori tidak mengenakan tolakan terhadap kereta kerana injin lori tidak dihidupkan. Lori tersebut ditolak hanyalah kerana ia mengganggu laluan kereta (E) tidak ada daya dikenakan oleh kereta dan oleh lori. Lori tersebut ditolak hanyalah kerana ia mengganggu laluan kereta
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UKM) - Q15
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UiTM) - Q15
Instrument: FCI - Q19 SMILE 2001 19. Kedudukan dua buah blok pada turutan sela masa 0.20 saat diwakili oleh kotak-kotak bernombor dalam gambarajah di bawah. Blok-blok tersebut sedang bergerak ke kanan.
Instrument: FCI - Q19 SMILE 2001 19. Adakah ketikanya blok-blok tersebut mempunyai kelajuan yang sama? (A) Ya. (B) Ya iaitu pada kedudukan 2. (C) Ya iaitu pada kedudukan 5. (D) Ya iaitu pada kedudukan 2 dan 5. (E) Ya iaitu pada suatu ketika diantara kedudukan 3 dan 4.
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UKM) - Q19
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UiTM) - Q19
Instrument: FCI - Q21 SMILE 2001 Sebuah roket yang berada di angkasa "hanyut" ke kanan dari "a" ke "b" tanpa pengaruh daya luaran. Pada kedudukan "b", enjin roket dihidupkan untuk mendapatkan tujahan (daya terhadap roket) seragam yang bertegak lurus kepada garis "ab". Tujahan ini dikekalkan sehingga roket tiba di titik "c".
Instrument: FCI - Q21 SMILE 2001 21. Laluan manakah yang ditunjukkan di bawah yang akan mewakili pergerakan roket dari titik "b" ke titik "c"?
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UKM) - Q21
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UiTM) - Q21
Instrument: FCI - Q25 SMILE 2001 25. Seorang wanita mengenakan suatu daya yang malar secara mendatar terhadap sebuah kotak yang besar. Kotak tersebut kemudiannya bergerak dengan kelajuan “v0” merentasi permukaan lantai. Daya malar yang mendatar yang dikenakan oleh wanita tersebut:
Instrument: FCI - Q25 SMILE 2001 (A) sama nilainya dengan berat kotak yang ditolak (B) lebih besar nilainya daripada kotak yang ditolak (C) sama nilainya dengan jumlah daya yang menentang pergerakan kotak (D) lebih besar daripada jumlah daya yang menentang pergerakan kotak (E) lebih besar daripada kedua-dua iaitu berat kotak dan jumlah daya yang menentang pergerakan kotak
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UKM) - Q25
SMILE 2001 Samples FCI (UiTM) - Q25
SMILE 2001 Challenges more research to observe indigeneous students & interpret their behavior in a classroom setting. Design or adopt reliable instruments to probe beliefs. Admit that results from physics education research have a big role in deciding instructional method and curricula materials. Create an environment to confront conflicts and remove misinterpretation.
SMILE 2001 Challenges Reduce on the “syllabus” and focus more on what’s real rather than the imaginary. Involve planners at the ministerial level to develop research-based textbooks and curricular materials Review the present assessment method at all academic levels. Train and retrain teachers in terms of both the content and the pedagogical-content-knowledge through workshops.
SMILE 2001 Challenges University training of future teachers must be revamped accordingly to meet the paradigm shift. Faculty members (especially the core sciences) will begin to respect the students’ beliefs and be willing to undergo training to acquire techniques of effective teaching. Meetings of physics educators made more often. Start and maintain a research-based peer-reviewed journals accessible to the masses.
Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Do’s SMILE 2001 Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Do’s Design of any multimedia package must incorporate the results obtained from research. (see for example, McDermott, L.C.; Laws, Priscilla; Thornton and Sokoloff, Zollman, D.; Fuller, R., Redish, J. and Wilscon, J.) Must cater for the different learning styles. Must allow for students be confronted with students’ initial beliefs (change of mental model) Must contain elements that are familiar to the students preferably be more indigenous (Malaysian context) in nature.
Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Do’s SMILE 2001 Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Do’s Must be very user-friendly even for a first-time timer. Fast & friendly search engine Must contain assessment to match the curricula and to allow for higher-order discovery for the chosen few. Must contain elements to assist novice or crossover teachers in learning the content and teaching the subject (the Physics InfoMall). Design that appears soft and appealing to work with.
Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Don’ts SMILE 2001 Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Don’ts Implement a power point presentation in a traditional lecture-recitation format (transmittalist method) thinking that your use of state-of the art will make learning efficient. Subject a student to do total discovery without any feel for the real thing. Allow technology to take away the role of an educator, instead, use it to complement your role.
Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Don’ts SMILE 2001 Bridging the Gap - Multimedia - Don’ts Fear to try & incorporate existing multimedia packages into your teaching but BEWARE: Try to answer the Question: How will the package change existing mental models and help students acquire new knowledge by learning it & not MEMORIZING it.
Bridging the Gap - Multimedia SMILE 2001 Bridging the Gap - Multimedia BEWARE: Try to answer the Question: How will the multimedia package fit into the McDermott wheel below.
Concluding remarks - Quotes SMILE 2001 Concluding remarks - Quotes “Education is not the piling on of learning, information, data, facts, skills, or abilities--that's training or instruction--but is rather a making visible what is hidden as a seed... To be educated, a person doesn't have to know much or be informed, but he or she does have to have been exposed vulnerably to the transformative events of an engaged human life... One of the greatest problems of our time is that many are schooled but few are educated.” Author:Thomas Moore Source:he Education of the Heart by Thomas Moore
Concluding remarks - Quotes SMILE 2001 Concluding remarks - Quotes “One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.” Author:Aristotle Source:The Forbes Book of Business Quotations : 14,266 thoughts on the Business of Life. “Practice is the best instruction of them all.” Author: Publilius Syrus. Source: Body, Mind and Spirit.
Concluding remarks - Quotes SMILE 2001 Concluding remarks - Quotes “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” Author: Alvin Toffler Source: Lessons from the Art of Juggling; How to Achieve Your Full Potential in Business, Learning and Life by Michael Gelb and Tony Buzan
Concluding remarks - Memory Lane Revisited SMILE 2001 Concluding remarks - Memory Lane Revisited Take the journey down memory lane Relive the best and worst times Use those valuable experiences to guide you Change the way you interact and share knowledge Open that door & guide them to discover.
Have A Fun and Learning Workshop SMILE 2001 Have A Fun and Learning Workshop Dr. .J.J. Applied Science, UiTM, Shah Alam. Voice: 03-5516-4886 or 019-355-1621. Email: Webpage: